After all, it feels as though there are a million dollars on the line, doesn’t it? You’re going all in. Either you’re going to draw a royal flush or you’re going to end up having to watch all your chips taken by the next hypothetical boyfriend. Understandably, you’d want to figure out the best way to tell a girl you like her before you even send a “Hi!” her way.  It’s possible you might’ve thought of every single outcome in your head around a thousand times, since telling a girl you like her isn’t really the easiest thing in the world. To make sure the outcome looks like the positive scenarios you dreamt up, we’re here to help you tell a girl that you want to watch Netflix with her on a lazy Sunday afternoon, for every Sunday that’s yet to come. 

How To Tell A Girl That You Like Her – 10 Ways 

We know, we know, you’re tired of having no one to video call and tell her you miss her during the lockdowns. You’re tired of chickening out every time you think you’re finally going to tell her you like her. Her best friend is probably tired of giving you all that advice you never follow anyway.  Don’t worry, we’re not going to tell you to spend a fortune on Gucci clothes and those sunglasses that make a guy look like he just stepped off Love Island. In fact, you can wear whatever you want, it’s what you’ll say/do that’s going to matter most. Do make sure you’re groomed well, though. How to tell a girl that you like her isn’t that hard though; set up a date, meet her, talk about anything and everything but how you like her for the entire day until you curse yourself on the way back home. Simple!  Jokes aside, let’s talk about 10 of the best ways to tell a girl you like her so that the effort you put in already lets her know that you’re not here to mess around. 

1. Test the waters before diving in

Before you go in guns blazing, dip your toe in to check just how warmly your advances are received. Compliment her a bit, let her know you appreciate her, tell her that you dream about her almost every night. Okay, perhaps not that last one, unless you want her to get a restraining order against you. The point is, by testing the waters, you’ll have a better idea of how things might go and just what your chances of success are. Who knows, she might even catch on to your feelings and ask you out herself. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a utopia, so don’t keep your hopes up for that one.  On the other hand, if the water is ghastly cold, i.e. your advances are overtly ignored, perhaps instead of figuring out how to tell a girl that you like her, you should be figuring out how to impress a girl. 

2. How to tell a girl that you like her? Do it on a romantic day out

If you aren’t close enough with her to take her out somewhere, you’ll need to establish a close bond first. When you do go out with her, on a picnic or a nice walk while the sun sets, or even to a superhero movie if you’re both Marvel nerds, you could try and confess to a girl right then and there.  Call us hopeless romantics, but the idea of walking side by side in a quaint park, while the sun sets in the distance seems like the cutest way of telling a girl you like her. To do one better, you could even say something cheesy like “I know the view right now is beautiful, but I can’t take my eyes off you”.

3. Tell her you like her during a long heart-to-heart call 

No, we don’t mean one of those “come outside, I’m downstairs” calls, we mean the ones that go on way longer than they should, and it’s 3 A.M before you even know it. You know you’re going to get up groggy and sleep-deprived tomorrow, but you’re having fun talking to her. During calls like those, you really get to know another person. The shields you put up all day are gradually disarmed as you go deeper into the night. The intimate conversations make you feel connected to this person, and that’s the perfect time for telling a girl you like her. 

4. Pass her a note when you’re with her 

Sure, you could take her out to coffee, go the traditional route and confess your feelings to a girl. A better way to express feelings you might be too shy to admit through words in the first place could be through a cute note.  When the barista at Starbucks calls your name out, bring your coffee back to your table and hand her over your note with her coffee. Try to take deep breaths so your heart doesn’t explode during the time she’s reading the note, looking at you all confused. The more creative your approach to how to tell a girl that you like her, the better your chances of wooing her.

5. Make it seem like a faux pas 

If you’re shy and can’t seem to express your feelings to a girl, you could make it seem like she accidentally found out. Perhaps you could have your friend call you when you’re with her, talk to him on speaker and have him say, “Did you tell her you like her yet?” Or you could just ‘accidentally’ blurt it out during conversation. Something along the lines of: “Dave asked me where I’m going today, I told him I’m with my crush right now.”  Should you tell a girl you like her like this? Granted, it’s not the cutest way but it may result in a humorous conversation and might just make her laugh. Plus, if she doesn’t like you back, she won’t address what just happened. Perhaps that might dampen the embarrassment? 

6. Cute ways to tell a girl you like her – make her blush while flirting

When you’re trying to wrap your head around how to tell a girl you like her, perhaps the answer is one of the most traditional methods we’ve been using to display interest, since forever. Take those compliments up a notch, let her know you’re thinking about her.  Examples of flirting could look like: “I came across a picture of Cara Delevingne, and it reminded me how much cuter you are than any model out there.” Or “I finally got free from work! Your voice is the first thing I want to hear. Can I call you?”  It’s really not that hard, as long as you’re confident and respectful. When looking for cute ways to tell a girl you like her, flirting ranks right at the top. As long as you don’t come off as a creep, of course. 

7. Ask her out on a date

If all the mind games and overthinking have only accomplished frustration, one of the bankable things to do is just ask her out on a date! We know asking a girl out on a date brings with it its own set of problems and confidence issues. But if you successfully do manage to ask her out, there’s no way she doesn’t get the hint already.  The direct and romantic approach remains the best way to tell a girl you like her. What’s more romantic than a good old-fashioned date in a picturesque restaurant? 

8. Bring out the artist in you 

When you’re trying to figure out how to tell a girl that you like her, we’d advise against any public displays. But you can always get creative with something you send/show her. Perhaps you could write and play a song out for her, paint her a picture, or just make a funny video of yourself, letting her know you like her.  Telling a girl you like her is a nerve-wracking experience. When you display your creativity while you’re doing so, it’s bound to win you some brownie points. So bring out that guitar you haven’t touched in a decade and sing her something nice. 

9. Spend a lot of time with her 

This might not be the most direct approach out there but as you two spend more time with each other, she may pick up on the hints and figure it out. Let’s be honest, women always know what we’re thinking.  Over time, you’ll definitely get closer to her. And if you’re not forming a better bond with her despite spending all your free time with her, you’re doing something wrong. Make sure you listen to her when she talks, compliment her, and make an effort to get closer to her, emotionally. The time for physical closeness comes once you actually do end up telling a girl you like her. 

10. Just tell her!

Do yourself a favor, put your lucky shirt on, be confident and just tell her you have the hots for her. Don’t wait for the absolute perfect opportunity or the moment when it just feels right, it won’t come around.  How to tell a girl you like her is a paradoxical question really. One which keeps getting harder the more you delay it. If even a tiny part of you thinks she might respond positively, don’t wait. Text her, call her, meet her, do anything but procrastinate. You don’t want to be the guy who’s watching a third guy sweep in, seemingly nullifying your chances of asking her out.  Hopefully, the points we listed out help answer some of your burning questions. Remember, the best way to tell a girl you like her is one in which you feel comfortable and you’re not out of your element. PS: in an attempt to seem uber-cool, please don’t end up wearing the entire Gucci store or those sunglasses indoors. You’ll be rejected before you even finish your sentence.

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