Once you have written a list of the things you have accomplished and a list of the things you could have done better in 2021, it’s a good idea to focus on the year that’s about to start. They say the best way to predict your future is to create it. So, why not taking a piece of paper and writing down some new year’s resolutions? Here are a few ideas that can help you start the new year fully motivated and upgrade your life.

1. Talk less, listen more

Learn to get rid of the need to talk about yourself — or to redirect conversations to yourself. Make sure you always actively listen to others, show a genuine interest in what they have to say, and you’ll see how they’ll enjoy your company. Make sure to use quality conversation starters and good follow-up questions.

2. Ask more follow-up questions

Follow-up questions are key to meaningful conversations. They help you show a genuine interest in others, and through them you encourage the person in front of you to share more details about what they are already talking about. A few examples of good follow-up questions are:

Interesting, tell me more.Why?What do you mean by…?So, does it make you happy?I’m sorry to hear that. Can I do something to help?

3. Initiate conversations more often

This is probably one of the most underrated New Year’s resolution ideas – but it’s one of my favorite ones. We often wait for others to text or call us. And this is probably one of the main reasons many relationships slowly fade over time. Initiating conversations more often helps us stay in contact with the people we truly care about.

4. Random acts of kindness (RAK)

A random act of kindness is a “non-premeditated, inconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the outside world” and it benefits our mental and emotional health. As mentioned in an article published in Very Well Mind, “Kindness has been shown to benefit our emotional wellbeing and improve overall happiness. Research has found that performing random acts of kindness can also increase our longevity and boost heart health.” Here are a few RAK ideas:

Write a positive sticky note for a coworker,Give a gift card,Endorse a skill or leave a positive recommendation on LinkedIn,Write a positive comment on a blog.

For more ideas, you can visit the official website of the RAK foundation.

5. Walk for at least 20 minutes a day, and leave your phone at home

I love taking long walks, however, I know it’s not easy to do it every day. This is why you can always set a minimum of 20 minutes — or even ten minutes if that works for you — and start from there. A ten-minute walk is better than nothing. This way on certain days you’ll walk ten or 20 minutes and on other days you’ll walk for 90 minutes, or even more — but you’ll walk every day.

6. Take the stairs more often

I don’t know about you, but I love taking the stairs. It’s a great way to work out and, as mentioned in Very Well Health, also a quick and easy way to break out of that sedentary lifestyle — which, during the pandemic, has become pretty common.

7. Consume self-improvement content for at least five minutes every day

Most people will tell you “read one self-improvement book per week,” or “read 100 books every year.” While reading personal growth books is a great habit, it doesn’t necessarily mean it works for everyone. Consuming self-improvement content is essential to our growth, however, everyone should choose the type of content that works for them. Do you like to read articles? Awesome, go for it. Do you prefer to watch videos or listen to podcasts? Great, open YouTube, and enjoy some inspiring Jim Rohn speeches or some TED talks. In case you’re interested, here’s what in my opinion is the best self-improvement book – it literally changed my life and my relationships:

8. Embrace minimalism

Build the habit of decluttering. Take a trash bag, go around the house and throw away all the things you no longer use — because, if you’re like me, you probably have plenty of them. Do it once or twice a month. And since we were talking about random acts of kindness, you can even donate your furniture to help families in need, as mentioned in My Move. Amazing, isn’t it? Also, if you can, watch “The minimalists, less is now” on Netflix.

9. Practice gratitude every day

You can start by writing down two or three things you feel grateful for, every single day. You can do it whenever you feel like, in the morning, in the afternoon, before going to bed, once a day, three times a day. Choose what works for you.

10. Cook at least one healthy meal every day

This is one of the best New Year’s resolution ideas. We talk a lot about self-improvement, yet we don’t talk enough about how eating well is a part of it. If you think about it, eating healthy is a form of self-respect. Make sure to eat whole foods and avoid processed foods, cook at least one healthy meal per day, and drink plenty of water — at least 10 glasses of water per day. As Jim Rohn wisely said, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

11. Drink less alcohol — replace it with something healthier

Drinking too much can have a negative impact on your body over time. In particular, it may negatively affect you heart, brain, liver, pancreas, and your immune system. This is why a good — if not the best — new year’s resolution is to drink less or stop drinking alcohol. Replacing it with something healthier can definitely help you — you can try herbal teas, smoothies or mocktails. Here’s the blender I use to make homemade smoothies and shakes. It’s not the cheapest, but it’s one of the best you can find. Get access to exclusive self-improvement and relationships content, subscribe to my free newsletter here.

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