If you’re wondering how to make your ex jealous, we have just the bag of tricks for you. It’s important to note that we don’t necessarily recommend any of these tricks, but if you’re going to do it, you should at least be smart about it.

13 Proven Tricks To Make Your Ex Jealous

Trying to make your ex jealous shouldn’t feel like a petty act. It is more about closure than about making someone feel bad. When you are going through a breakup, you are usually also going through a torrent of other emotions. Therefore, the goal is to genuinely take time to heal and find yourself. And if, on the way, you can make your ex jealous, well, that’s just the cherry on top of the cupcake. Isn’t it? Think about the fabulous sweethearts of Calabasas – Travis Baker and Kourtney Kardashian. Kourtney and her ex, Scott Disick, had a long and tumultuous decade-long relationship. When Kourtney broke up with Scott, there was bitterness on both sides. Following the announcement of Kourtney’s marriage, Scott couldn’t help but go into a very public jealous meltdown. Even though Kourtney was no doubt deliriously happy to get married to the love of her life, seeing her toxic ex fail to stem his jealousy must’ve felt to her like the cherry on top of her wedding cake. And who are we to judge? So without further ado, let’s find out how to make your ex jealous with these 13 proven and effective tricks:

1. Be seen in the right places with the right people

Whether it’s at a party you know your ex will be attending or at an event you’re sure they’ll hear about, make sure you get there with someone else. Make it someone who is really different from your ex. They could be someone from a different gender than your ex, someone with a totally different lifestyle than yours, or maybe even a local artist that you started dating! The point is to make sure that when your ex hears about this encounter, they feel like they don’t fit the criteria of what you’re interested in anymore. We learned this technique from Hollywood stars who have been using it successfully for years. Just imagine — if Ryan Gosling suddenly starts hanging out with your female best friend and her friends from art school, wouldn’t you be insanely jealous?

2. Don’t seek your ex in times of trouble

If you are wondering how to make your ex jealous, don’t ask them for favors or help, don’t do things that you would normally do with a partner, and don’t go running back to them with any problems. When you talk to your ex, don’t act like they are the only person who understands you. Show them that they don’t really matter to you anymore; that they have not ruined your life or made it impossible for other people to want to date you. When Rihanna and Chris Brown broke up, people speculated that she will swear off dating forever. Look at her now! She is the CEO of Fenty Beauty, the world’s most profitable makeup and lifestyle company. She and ASAP Rocky are also parents to a beautiful newborn baby. And Chris Brown has faded into irrelevancy.

3. Stop contacting them

If you are wondering, “How do I make my ex jealous over text?’’, don’t. This is probably the first thing to do if you want to make your ex jealous and want you back. Simply stop contacting them. Stop calling, texting, and even emailing them. This is contrary to the first point, but if you think it will work better in this scenario – avoid going to places that they visit frequently so that you don’t bump into them. If you still want to see them, other ways will fulfill that need without making it obvious. Why give them so much attention when you want to make them feel jealous? If they text you, takes hours to respond back. Show them that you do not care, as you really should not! Be busy with things that are more important than talking to a lost cause.

4. Start dating other people

If you want to know how to make your ex jealous, start dating again after your breakup. This will make them realize that you are moving on and you are no longer stuck pining over them. The jealousy, in turn, will push them to want to get back together with you.If your ex has feelings for you, they will be hurt by the idea of having lost you to another person. If they want you back, they may do something about it to win you over once again. However, if they do not feel the same way, then this move is still a win-win situation since it allows you to freely move on with your life and find someone who will appreciate you more and treats you better. If you are thinking, “How to make my ex jealous on WhatsApp”, put up a display picture of you with another person (maybe someone your ex dislikes).

5. Post photos with other people

If your ex follows you on social media, post photos of yourself with attractive people who belong to the gender(s) you’re attracted to. This is your ultimate solution on how to make your ex jealous. Make sure that these are happy and friendly photos so that your ex will assume that you and this other person have already started dating each other. You can ask a friend or an acquaintance whom your ex does not know very well to help out by posing for these photos with you. Ultimately, you should be living your best life. Not because of your breakup, but in spite of it. In the end, whether this works or not, you get to dress up, go out, and hang out with people.

6. Look your best, inside out

If you want to know how to make your ex jealous, one of the most important things that you need to do is look good and feel great. Whether you’re still together or not, your ex should see that you are not suffering from the breakup. As they say, the post-breakup glow-up will always hit the hardest! You may be going through a lot but it is important that you appear unaffected by the breakup. If they see that you are still beautiful and happy without them, they will get jealous. Also, if you ever bump into your ex’s friends at a party, flirt with them – this will drive your ex crazy! Think of Selena Gomez after her breakup with Justin Bieber. The former Disney star had a very public breakup and a lot of people speculated that the breakup would bring about the end of Selena’s career. Not only did she prove them wrong, but she also came back with vengeance. Selena Gomez went on to launch a best-selling album and even became a brand ambassador for huge fashion brands like Puma and Coach.

7. Start living a more exciting life, and don’t fake it

You should try to do things with your life that are fun and interesting, and that will make you happy. Post updates on your social media where you know your ex stalks you sometimes. It’s not about bragging or showing off. It’s about making them realize that they’re missing out on something great by not being with you. If you don’t have any exciting hobbies or interests, start looking for them. It doesn’t matter if it’s a sport, a hobby, or a volunteer activity — anything that makes you truly happy. If you fake it, it becomes very obvious, so do make an effort to have fun. If you want to know how to make your ex jealous, be real! The other advantage of this tip is that you will get to meet more people when you start doing more outdoor activities. Who knows, you might just find someone special or make new friends when you are out and about, enjoying your life.

8. Ghost your ex

If you’re still wondering, “How do I make my ex jealous over text?”, here’s the easiest way to do that. Contrary to popular belief, one of the best ways to make an ex jealous is by NOT talking to them. The more you contact your ex, the less interest they will have in you. Why? Because all you’re doing is confirming that your ex doesn’t need to do anything further to get you back!

9. Get fit

If you haven’t got much to do one weekend and are thinking of how to make your ex jealous, it is time to get fit. Going for a run or hitting the gym might seem like a strange way to get back at an ex, but it works. When your body starts looking better than ever, your ex will realize that they’ve lost something special by letting you go. Getting fit also makes you feel happier and more confident, which will boost your confidence when talking to other people – including people who aren’t your ex-partner. Khloe Kardashian has a whole show on this premise called The Revenge Body. The look on the faces of most exes when they realize how healthy and fit their former partners have become after breaking up is so gratifying!

10. Visit places where you used to go with your ex

This is a simple trick that works like a charm. If you used to go out to dinner or drinks together on Friday night, take someone else with you to the same place. It will not only remove the nostalgic sadness that you associate with the place now but also invite someone else’s energy into a familiar place and make it anew. Make sure that your ex sees you there with this person on social media (even if it’s just your friend). They will be so jealous because they know what it’s like when they were with you! Extra points if you can do a date night at a restaurant that holds important memories for you and your former amour. Remember to post ample pictures of you enjoying yourself with your date. Take your ex down the memory lane; that’s our tip on how to make your ex jealous.

11. Get a new look

The easiest way to make your ex jealous when he has a girlfriend or a boyfriend is to get a new look. This is a classic trick that has worked on countless people. Get a new haircut, get a tan, or just get a new pair of shoes. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as it’s clearly visible to your ex. When they see it, they will feel curious about you. They might want to come back to at least strike a conversation with you – the decision is then yours to give them a second chance or kick them out of your life once again.

12. Go out with friends

The best way to make your ex think you moved on is to hang out with your friends. You need to go out with your friends at least once a week so that they see that you are having fun without them. This will make them feel jealous as they realize that they miss spending time with you and that they’re missing out on your life. This way, they might want to come back into it.

13. Take a trip

Taking a trip is another way to make an ex jealous. They’ll see your photos on social media and think that you’re having fun without them, which can make them jealous. A lot of people take trips with their friends after a breakup. This is usually a good idea because it allows you to spend time with your friends instead of moping over your ex for days on end. This tip should work out for you if you have the magic touch and can instantly make the ex jealous without doing much. Remember to use the magic wisely and don’t be arrogant about it. Remember Julia Roberts in the 2010 movie Eat, Pray, Love? She went on a backpacking trip through Italy, India, and Bali after divorcing her husband. And wouldn’t you know it, she found the love of her life through her self-discovery journey! So, now that you know how to make your ex jealous, we’re sure that your ex will be left wondering how you got these new skills and talents that you never had before.

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