Now coming to the next point, how can one certainly know if your ex still misses you? For starters you have the gut feeling that your ex will come back to you. You will be able to pick up on the hints that your ex is pretending to be over you when they tell friends that they are over the relationship but you know for sure they are checking up on you on social media. These are some of the signs your ex wants you back and with these, we are just getting started. If you and your ex are meant to be together again then there is no doubt that the universe will connive to bring you together. Your ex might be diligently following the no contact rule, but you will still see the signs your ex wants you back and your ex is waiting for you eagerly. If you are able to relate to more than 3 of the following, simple 15 signs, there is a pretty good chance your ex-boyfriend wants you back. So read on!

15 Simple Signs Your Ex-Boyfriend Wants You Back

How do I know if my ex boyfriend wants me back? Well, the signs are always there. Since you’ve already dated him, you know him well already. The way he texts you when he’s missing you, the romantic hug he gives you when you accidentally run into him at the grocery store — you are aware of all his ways and how he expresses his feelings. Moreover, he could be calling you “by mistake” or making excuses to talk to you, and you can see right through those. So these signs that your ex boyfriend wants you back are actually not really hard to miss. So if any of these sound familiar to you, you have reason to believe that he is still pining for you. With these 15 signs, let’s confirm that.

1. He often calls you “by mistake”

Once is normal and can be considered an accident. Twice is understandable too. But more than two times? That makes it very obvious that he still thinks about you. Has your ex-boyfriend messaged you or called you by mistake very frequently? Does he give you reasons like he was trying to call someone else, but he dialed your number instead? Or that he was trying to text another person with the same name as yours? You know it in your heart that all these reasons are bluff. If you and your boyfriend ended on bad terms, he must be anxious to text you with a “hey”. His only source to start a conversation with you is by telling you that he meant to talk to someone else. Here, your response to “oh, sorry” decides how the conversation is going to follow.

2. Finding excuses to talk to you is one of the signs your ex wants you back

If he still loves you then he definitely wants to talk to you, but he doesn’t know how to. This is one of the surefire signs that your ex boyfriend wants you back. He knows you might not reply enthusiastically to general questions like “How are you?”, which is why he needs new ways to start a conversation with you. He will ask you the name of the restaurant you both once went to, or he will talk about your favorite book for an ‘assignment’, or he will randomly wish you even on the less important festivals that has nothing to do with you. If you see that he is grappling to hold on to a conversation, but is still not giving up, he definitely wants to get back with you. You can choose to act indifferent or deeply interested based on your interest in him.

3. He swiftly responds to your texts

Ahh! And frequently double texts you too. If, for some reason you are the one who has to text him, he takes no more than just a few minutes to reply to your texts. It is almost as if he was waiting with your chat box open to check your messages. These are signs your ex wants you back but won’t admit it. If he doesn’t text first but immediately responds to texts then it could mean that you still hold an important place in his life. However, if your ex-boyfriend is somehow always free to chat with you, he is definitely hoping for a long conversation that would lead to the two of you getting back together.

4. He is always updated about your relationship status

Your ex-boyfriend could still be living with a hope that you’re willing to revisit your old relationship with him. This is why, every couple of weeks, he asks you about your relationship status. Ex-boyfriends also tend to respond to your social media pictures with other guys. If your ex does the same, he is probably still thinking about you. Interestingly, he may not be in touch with you, but he still knows whether you’re happily single or in a relationship with someone else. He definitely stalks you. Somehow, your previous boyfriend is always updated about your love interests. Chances are he is still crazy about you and wants you back.

5. How do I know if my ex boyfriend wants me back? He can’t look into your eyes

How to know if your ex boyfriend wants you back? Take notice of his body language. The mannerisms of your ex around you can tell you a lot about what he feels about you. When a person is still in love, they avoid eye contact in order to avoid a mental conflict about their feelings for you. Your ex-boyfriend will rarely look into your eyes and when he does, he will look too deeply, as if he’s lost a very precious thing. If your ex-lover behaves in this way, he is probably regretting your break up and looking for another chance. That’s what gives you that gut feeling your ex will come back to you soon.

6. You bump into him surprisingly frequently

Unless you’re in the same college/workplace as your ex-boyfriend, it is unlikely that you would bump into him very regularly. There is a fair possibility that your ex-boyfriend checks in with your friends if you still go to your regular coffee shop, or he follows the events you’re going to attend on Facebook where you magically find him sitting in the audience.If you cross paths with him very often, there is something fishy happening here. Not all of it is a coincidence. This way, it is evident that he misses you and still feels strongly about you, which means he would like to get back together with you soon.

7. He’s not his normal self around you

Looking for signs ex wants to get back together? Then let’s take a closer look at his demeanor in your presence and if there has been a recent change in the same. Have you noticed your ex-boyfriend being weird around you? Or does he talk less than he normally used to? Are his legs always shaking? Or is he constantly fidgeting with something in his hands? These are all signs of nervousness around you. A person who is not in love anymore would act casually around their previous partners and come off as a confident man. But if he seems nervous, it is probably for a reason. A sense of anxiety and different kind of body language equals to conflict and hope that you still feel the same way for him. If you do, talk about it with him.

8. Jealousy is one of the signs your ex wants you back

Some emotions are difficult to hide, and jealousy is certainly one of them. It is clear that your ex-boyfriend wants you back if he turns into a green-eyed monster every time you dress up, go out with your friends, hang out with another guy, or upload pictures with other men. A lot of the times, he will try his best to show his jealousy to you, for that is the only way he can show you that he still cares and would like another chance to be with you. In this way, he is slowly tip-toeing towards you and that’s what makes this one of the unmissable signs your ex wants you back.

9. He is always trying to make you jealous

You know your ex-boyfriend in and out. You know he is not the kind of guy who talks to a lot of women or flirts with them. Yet, lately you’ve been noticing his social media and every picture he uploads is with a new woman. An ex-boyfriend who wants you back would go out of his way to show that he has moved on, and would try his best to make sure you see how he has moved out. This way of making his ex jealous is sort of like a coping mechanism for guys. Most of the times, this is simply an attempt to cover how they really feel, because they cannot express the pain of being away from you. Trying to make you jealous is a sure sign he wants you back.

10. How to know if your ex boyfriend wants you back? He stays in touch with your friends

Talking to you could be difficult, but talking to your friends? That is easy. Your ex-boyfriend periodically messages a few of your close friends to “chat randomly”, casually slipping in a topic about you. If your friends repeatedly tell you about your past lover messaging them or bumping into them for a conversation, he is doing it on purpose for you to realise he wants to know all about you. It is very clear he wants you back and he is doing it with a purpose in mind.

11. He talks about your relationship a lot

If walks down memory lane are pretty frequent in the conversations with your ex-boyfriend, it clearly shows that he is nostalgic about the beautiful moments you spent together, hoping that it might rekindle the dead spark between the two of you. Thus making it one of the signs that your ex boyfriend wants you back.
There are times when your ex might even ask you to discuss where your relationship went wrong. This probably indicates that he is hoping to make things right and have you back in his life. He could tell you he is doing it to get his closure, but he wants the contrary to happen. He wants you to realize what you had and consider re-starting the relationship.

12. Him apologizing a lot is one of the signs ex wants to get back together

Exes generally don’t take much responsibility for their actions. An ex-partner would either blame you for everything that went wrong, or be indifferent to your past if they don’t love you anymore. Sadly, most good relationships also end on that kind of a bitter note. But if your ex-boyfriend regularly talks about his wrongdoings and how he feels guilty about it, all he is looking for is an opportunity to mend his ways and get you back together with him. He would talk about the signs that you and he are meant to be together, but just lost the plot midway. So he would say sorry and even drop hints if you could be together again.

13. You’re the first person he drunk-dials

This is a pretty obvious one when it comes to signs ex wants to get back together. It is easy to control the desire to contact someone if a person is sober, but they tend to lose the impulse once they’re drunk. Your ex-boyfriend drunk texting you or drunk calling you is one of the simplest signs that he is miserable without you and wants you back in his life. This is a sure shot sign that he is constantly thinking about you and ends up drunk texting you and can’t control it. What does he write? “I love you?” The signs that he wants you back are all right there in that text.

14. His friends contacting you is one of the signs your ex wants you back

It is understandable if your ex-boyfriend tries to contact you, but why are his friends trying to talk to you? Your ex-boyfriend is certain that you will not respond to his messages and you will walk past him on the street. You’re probably thinking, ‘Should I block my ex?’ while he is desperately looking for a way to get back into your life again. Getting his friends to talk to you is the only way he can still know about your well-being and about your life. If your ex’s friends contact you time and again, take it as a hint that he is willing to make things work again and they’re probably trying to talk to you because he asked him to.

15. He is suddenly neck deep in self-improvement

How to know if your ex boyfriend wants you back? Watch out for this. A guy working hard to mend his flaws is a guy seeking to make a change in his life, hoping you would notice his efforts and have him back. Generally, post break-up, people do crazy things for a change. Men commonly go to the gym and gulp protein shakes for a fitter body. A sure-shot change is when your ex-boyfriend tries to fix the things you used to complain about when you were with him. Impulsive alterations in your ex-boyfriends routine is backed by a desire to impress you with the results, so that you would take notice of the change and get back together with him. There is no limit to what an ex-boyfriend can do when he wants you back. Chances are you might be overwhelmed with these signs your ex wants you back and make a wrong decision. It is wise to ponder over the reasons for your break up, and identify if getting back together with your ex is a sensible decision. Ignore all advances if you absolutely cannot see yourself with your ex-boyfriend again, but also know that if you do wish to give it another chance, that is okay too. All you need to do is make sure to not conclude anything in a haste.

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