Anyone raised with faith knows that our relationship with God – or the supreme force that keeps the universe in motion – is the most intimate and important one ever. However, as our lives get busy and our plates fuller with commitments and obligations, this relationship often takes a back seat. But it’s never too late to revive that bond. When doing so, it’s only natural that you’d want to keep one of your most important mortal bonds on earth – your spouse and your marriage – in your prayers. To nudge you in that direction, we bring you some of the most beautiful prayers for your husband with which you can seek of your relationship to be forever blessed by the almighty.

21 Beautiful Prayers For Your Husband For Everlasting Love

Your husband is one of the most important people in your life. The one you love with all your heart and share your dreams, hopes and life with. When you kneel before your God, seeking his blessings, you’d want to ask the same for your life partner too. You know in your heart what you wish for your husband. That he always be safe, happy, healthy, content, thriving and on the path to becoming a better version of himself. However, putting these emotions in words isn’t always easy. To help steer your efforts in the right direction, we bring you a lowdown on 21 prayers for your husband, so that you don’t run out of ways to seek the right blessings and guidance for him:

1. Pray for his protection

How do I say a prayer for my husband’s protection? If you’ve wondered about this, here is a prayer to start you off:

2. Pray for guidance

In your conversations with God, seek his guidance for your husband. Say a pray inspired by the Biblical verse – “A soft answer turneth away wrath: But grievous words stir up anger.” Pray that your husband be forever gentle and on the righteous path, with this prayer.

3. Pray for strength

When seeking blessings in prayer for husband, don’t forget to seek strength. Strength of character, body, and mind.

4. Pray for safety

Are you praying for a husband who is at war? Ask God to keep your hero safe and be his guiding light through this challenging time away from home.

5. Pray for success

What can I ask in prayer for my husband at work? Well, most of us seek nothing more than success in our professional journeys. So, that’s a good start point.

6. Pray for integrity

Speaking of ‘prayer for my husband at work’, remember that integrity is as important as success, if not more. So, ask that your husband always does his job with complete dedication, sincerity, and integrity.

7. Pray for peace

Being at peace with oneself is one of the most underrated boons of life. A trait that few are blessed with. As the Biblical verse Ephesians 4:2-3 reminds us, “With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” When you talk to God, add this to your list of ‘prayers for my husband’.

8. Pray for love

Have you ever wondered if I should add prayers for my husband to love me to my conversations with God? Well, why not! There is no harm in seeking the lord’s guidance in keeping your marriage brimming over with love. After all, love is the binding force in a marriage. Align your prayer with the Biblical verse John 15:12: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

9. Pray for your marriage

When it comes to prayers for your husband, one for your marriage just cannot be left out. But what is the apt blessing to seek for your marital bond? Here is your cue:

10. Pray for companionship

What is a good morning prayer for my husband, you ask? Well, why not begin your day with a wish to have your spouse by your side always.

11. Pray for health

A prayer for my husband’s protection…praying for a husband who is at war…healing prayer for my sick husband… No matter what you’re praying for, a wish for good health always fits right in.

12. Pray for contentment

Looking for a short prayer for your husband? If you ask for contentment, you won’t need to ask for anything else. As this Biblical verse reminds us, “If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment.” So seek contentment for your husband, so your marriage is blessed with peace.

13. Pray for the family

When you kneel down before your lord, keep in your heart not just prayers for your husband but also your entire family.

14. Pray for children

If you are planning to start a family, pray to be blessed with children. If you already are parents, seek blessings for your husband to become an ideal father.

15. Pray for compassion

The Biblical verse Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Drawing inspiration from the message of the lord, seek blessings prayer for your husband asking for compassion in your marriage. For there is no quality more desirable than the ability to empathize with those who are less fortunate than you.

16. Pray for a beautiful day

‘What should I ask in my morning prayer for my husband today?’ Do you find yourself wondering about this often? Ask that he be blessed with a beautiful day.

17. Pray he get through his struggles

A life without struggles is a Utopian dream that never comes to pass. Struggles and challenges are our constant companions for as long as we live and breathe. So, instead of asking for freedom from problems in a relationship or life, ask for your husband to be blessed with the strength to tide over whatever curveballs life throws his way.

18. Pray for him to hold your hand

Marriage is a long journey from the aisle to the grave. There are bound to be ups and downs, upheavals, and stormy times along the way. Seek the lord’s blessing to give your husband strength to stand by you through it all. And you, him.

19. Pray for wisdom

As you grow in your marriage, seek blessings for your husband to become wise and prudent.

20. Pray for freedom from addiction

‘What is an apt prayer for my husband’s protection?’ If you’re seeking an answer to this, ask that he always be free of the bane of addiction.

21. Pray for his faith

‘What is one of the most important prayers for my husband?’ This question ought to cross your mind when your relationship with God is a driving force in your life. Why not pray that he is blessed with the same faith. With these prayers for your husband on your lips and abounding love in your heart, you can mindfully work toward building a strong marriage that can withstand the roughest storms.

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