If you are anything like me, you probably find this whole ‘he loves me, he loves me not’ game too annoying to quit the dating scene altogether and move in with a bunch of cats instead. When someone ignores you for no reason there can be nothing more irritating. But if you are serious about having a serious relationship you need to look out for the definite signs to know whether he is ignoring you for somebody else before you go all-in with him. If someone ignores you on purpose then you will have to find out what that purpose is before you become more serious about the relationship or decide to call it quits.

What Does It Mean When A Guy Ignores You?

Instead of thinking, “He is ignoring me” find out why guys try to ignore girls. The very first reason why a guy could be ignoring you is because he is attracted to you. He could be just playing hard to get. When a guy is too attached to his gadgets then chances are he will be giving more attention to those. He could be messaging or checking out Insta likes while he is with you. Yes that’s annoying, we know. When someone ignores you on text and doesn’t reply for hours then you might be pulling at your hair thinking what’s wrong with your guy? But be sure guys, when tied up with work, do not feel the urgency to reply because that’s not their priority. There are times your guy might not even text you first.  When a guy ignores you, it does not always mean that he is ignoring you for someone else, it could simply mean that he is into other things – work, gadgets, Netflix, golf, night out with the guys – the list could be endless. But if you want to know the signs that he is seeing someone else and that’s why he is ignoring you, then you should read on.

5 Signs He Ignores You On Purpose

There are times people ignore you if they are attracted to you just to ensure you get interested in them. That could be one purpose that he ignores you. But if he is ignoring you without any particular reason then the chances are he is not interested in you anymore and could be seeing someone else. Here are 5 signs that he is ignoring you because he  is seeing someone else.

1. He cancels plans with you

As the popular belief goes, when a girl cancels the date she has a good reason, but when a guy does the same it means he is probably seeing someone on the side. It’s no full-proof method to check his commitment towards you because sometimes things in life are not just black and white. But when he cancels dates with you last-minute and rarely has any good reason to do so, you should be cautious. Use your better judgment to know if he really has good enough reasons to cancel on you and consider it a red flag when he does this frequently.

The reasons he cancels a plan with you could be:

He is bored of interacting with you He is interested in someone else He has a genuine reason like a family emergency He developed cold feet in the last moment

2. He is not as responsive to calls and texts as before

If you find him harder to get hold of if you are constantly being pushed to his voice mail if he is taking longer to return your texts and calls within a reasonable amount of time it’s a tell-tale sign that he is ignoring you for someone else. When someone ignores you on text it’s hard to accept it. But before jumping to conclusions ask him what’s going on and pay close attention to his answers too.

Is he telling you this?

Work has got hectic. (Give him the benefit of doubt) I always call you back. (Does he?) You call and text too much I can’t keep up. (Are you doing that?) I understand when you are busy, I will expect you to do the same

3. He is not interested in sex

Whether it’s about the sex, foreplay, kissing, cuddling and PDAs if you are used to a certain pattern of his moves and frequency of physical intimacy and suddenly find it decreasing significantly then you should be worried. Talk to him about this to straighten things out, it could be due to medical reasons or if it’s not, then something is definitely not right. This is an absolute sign that he is ignoring you with a purpose.

If he is doing this you have reason to worry…

If you brush your fingers on him he recoils Whenever there is a possibility of you getting intimate he avoids the situation He says he doesn’t feel like getting physical and blames you for that Even when he is making love you feel something is missing

4. He asks you to “stop acting paranoid”

If he tried to manipulate you by ruling out your concerns as paranoia and makes you feel even more insecure about the relationship, then don’t close your eyes. It is a red-flag indeed. A sensible boyfriend listens to you, addresses the issue and tries to reach a mutual understanding. If he is not doing any of these, he is probably not interested to work things out with you as he has his mind in some other place.

Is he doing any of this?

Blaming your possessiveness and insecurity Never listens to you and comes up with his own reasons You can’t reach him on phone and he doesn’t tell you where he is He hangs out with the guys a lot

5. You are no longer his priority

If he shows concern for you one day and next day acts aloof if you no longer know where you stand with him, if he suddenly feels the need to have more space in the relationship, if he gets defensive whenever you ask him about his whereabouts and keeps you away from his friends, knows for sure something isn’t right and he is hiding something. When the boyfriend stops making you the priority and the relationship feels frustrating, he is either hiding an alien in his garage or hooking up with another girl. And statistics say it’s almost always the second one!

If he is doing this he has someone else:

Has stopped making plans with you Answers you with monosyllables Rarely says the three-letter word Gets irritated easily

If you are worried about how the relationship is going and your boyfriend no longer cares about you like he used to then remind yourself that you deserve more. Yes, walking away hurts, but investing your time and energy on someone who is not worthy of you is even worse.

5 Signs He Is Ignoring You For Someone Else - 685 Signs He Is Ignoring You For Someone Else - 175 Signs He Is Ignoring You For Someone Else - 84