Men have the absolute ability to drive ladies to the edge of insanity when it comes to relationship security. Staying out too late, forgetting to text, commenting on their ex’s posts and photos, men do such things that make a woman feel insecure. You are probably a secure and strong woman, but at times your partner might say or do such things that make you feel really insecure.

Things men do to make a woman feel insecure 

Most of the time our partners try to make us feel good about ourselves but sometimes they have the opposite effect. Some men say or do certain things that even they do not realize or are clueless about the effect it has on women. They act surprised to hear that their actions have made their women upset. These things can be interpreted in different ways by men and women. It’s always said that women are really complicated and hard to please, while, women look for small things and find happiness in those small things. But if you are taking her out for lunch and then ogling at the waitress then you should think twice. So, guys, listen up! These are the things that you do and say that make your woman feel insecure. So try to avoid these. Watch out the video!

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