We all dream of it. We all dream about finding our perfect match, our soul mate. At least once in our life, we all met that person we hoped — and believed — was the one, only to realize later we were just projecting our idea of perfect partner onto someone we barely knew. Finding someone compatible with us can be hard. Really hard. That’s why we go through difficult relationships. We all experienced that at least once in our life. Being incompatible is easier than finding someone we are truly compatible with. When you meet someone, and you two are meant to be together — that is, you are a great match and there is potential for a healthy and long-lasting relationship — you will probably see a few signs, which I like to call green flags. What follows are seven signs you met the one.

1. You share the same values

Sharing the same values is key to a long-lasting and healthy relationship. For example, you both believe in the importance of family, you believe in monogamy, and don’t tolerate infidelity. Or you both believe in the importance of leaving others free to express their opinion and make their choices. When you and your significant other are aligned on your core values, there is good potential for a healthy and long-lasting relationship. Recommended read: 40 Long-Distance Relationship Quotes to Give You All the Feels

2. Your life is going in the same direction

This means you two are basically following the same path — or a very similar one. For example, you both want to work remotely or you both want to travel a lot, so you are working towards achieving the same lifestyle. Or maybe you both want to live in the same city, grow professionally, and raise a family. You are both looking for stability. Whatever your ideal life is, you have the same idea of a fulfilling life path. And this is one of the most important signs you met the one.

3. You have some passions in common

Having a hobby or passion in common is great for a relationship. It adds that spark we all look for — especially at the beginning. If you love the same music genre and go together to concerts, or you play the same instrument, it can be great for the relationship. If you play different instruments and love to make music together, even better, you complement each other in your passions. Another example of this is loving the same sport. Do you both love football? Do you both dance? Awesome. Spend time doing something exciting together. Go watch a football match together or prepare for a dance competition. However, remember it’s also good if, in addition to sharing some passions, you have your own hobbies and spend some time apart too. In fact, this is essential in a relationship.

4. You are strongly attracted to each other

You have the feeling that time flies when you are together, and can’t get enough of each other. There is that undeniable spark between the two of you you can’t quite explain. And everything feels easy between the two of you. You both feel that you are the best version of yourselves when you are together. Recommended read: Signs a Guy Likes You a Lot – 15 Ways to Know if He’s Truly Into You

5. There is no emotional dependence

The relationship feels amazing, yet you don’t need each other to feel complete. You spend time together but you also have your own space. You regularly build some healthy distance that allows you to spend some time apart and pursue your own dreams. This means you are both emotionally mature individuals who can be on their own and support each other at the same time. Now, this is true, mature love.

6. You complement each other

One of you might be obsessively tidy and punctual, while the other one is always messy and arrives late everywhere. While this might sound as a recipe for disaster from the outside, these differences might actually help you learn from each other and eventually make the relationship balanced. In a relationship like this, the tidy person can learn not to be excessively obsessed with tidiness and perfection in everything. On the other hand, the messy person learns to be a bit tidier and starts to be on time and respect deadlines. They say opposites attract, and it’s often true. See, relationships are not only meant to make us happy but also to find that person that complements us and makes us grow. If you think about it, it’s difficult to grow with someone who is exactly like us, there’s no challenge.

7. The relationship is simply healthy

You know that you and your partner have a healthy relationship. And the first sign of a truly healthy relationship is you know how to handle conflict in a healthy and respectful way. Also, you always make an effort to see your partner smile and they do the same with you. The relationship is built on mutual trust, unconditional love, and respect. Also, you and your partner always maintain a sense of humor and don’t make a big deal out of small, trivial stuff.

Final Thoughts

Finding a great match is possible. Some of the most important signs you met the one and there is potential for a healthy relationship are:

You share the same values;Your life is going in the same direction;You have passions in common;You are strongly attracted to each other and you feel the need to spend time together;There is no emotional dependence;You complement each other;Your relationship is truly healthy.

Ultimately, it’s essential to keep in mind that only when you deeply love yourself and feel complete before finding your perfect match, there is potential for a long-lasting and healthy relationship.