So when you even don’t need to initiate romance, just try not to spoil the moment by doing the following. Maybe your reactions are not intentional, but each time you do these you break your partner’s heart. All you need to do instead is go with the flow and enjoy being pampered. Think you can manage that?

8 Things That Ruin Relationships

You could be ruining the romance in your relationship and destroying it completely with certain habits that migght look very innocuous from the outside but have an effect on the relationship. Are you doing these things? We list out 8 things that ruin relationships. You better correct yourself while there is still time.

1. Arriving late

Don’t be late. There might be cakes and balloons waiting for you, maybe a dinner is getting cold or people at your surprise party getting bored. Stop what you are doing and go home to your partner. They might be invested in making your day a bit better and all you need to be is available. It is commonly known that time is the greatest gift you can give to your partner. So try and be generous with your time. Don’t let your partner feel ignored because you never arrive on time be it on a date or back home from work or at a party. Learn to follow the clock then you won’t ruin relationships.

2. Ruining the surprise

You might think of yourself as Sherlock and snoop around to find out what your partner has been up to, but sometimes it might ruin your chance at romance. That special lingerie that your partner bought for Valentine’s Day or the cake that your partner wants to bake for your birthday: these are beautiful secrets that you should not know before the event. Please try to keep your nose out of it. You could be snooping on your partners phone or checking in their closet but whatever you do, don’t ruin the romance in the relationship.

3. Being suspicious

Are you suspicious? Do you check phone logs, credit card bills, and all that? Does your partner even have a scope to surprise you without you knowing about it days ahead? Don’t you think it stops your partner from being spontaneous about expressing their love to you? In Francis Zambon’s words, “We can’t go on together/With suspicious minds/And we can’t build our dreams/On suspicious minds”. There needs to be breathing space between you two to create a romantic relationship, without you breathing down your partner’s neck. If you have trust issues then be sure it ruins relationships. Being suspicious will not get you anywhere but if you can’t give up being the insecure boyfriend then you should opt for counselling.

4. Staying away too long

A little distance is always good in a relationship. But you should not make it a norm. Stay away from your partner but not for too long. If you do that and keep at it, then your partner might learn to live without you. You could be in a long-distance relationship but despite that you can always let your partner know that they are on your mind and you are missing them. Texts and video calls are a great way of keeping the communication going.

5. Missing appointments

Don’t miss appointments. But if you can’t help it, at least let your partner know quite ahead of time. Cancellation is worse if you keep them hanging till the last minute. Cancelling dates is also something that you should avoid unless there is a genuine reason and if you are cancelling a date or an appointment through a text then be careful how you word it. You could make your partner feel disappointed an hurt in the way you cancel a date with them

6. Not remembering birthdays/anniversaries

Everybody is not born with excellent memory, but that should not stop you from remembering dates important to your loved one. Use your smartphones, save them in the calendar. The first step for making these dates memorable is to remember them. Yes, forgetting important dates is sacrilege and you should everything in your power to ensure that you make up for that. Maybe get some wonderful gifts for your wife or take her on a holiday. As for her pardon and don’t make this a habit. This harmless mistake might ruin your relationship.

7. Thoughtless gifts

Please don’t get her a cutting board and a knife she could end up using it on you (yes that angry she could be) or you should buy yet another purse for your husband. This destroys relationships. Yes, we are not exaggerating. A worse thing than forgetting to gift, is to gift things that are meaningless to your partner. It shows how inconsiderate or unconcerned you are about your partner. Gifts don’t have to be expensive, just thoughtful, to keep the romance alive. Just think what they would love, what they dote on. even getting home with their fave blueberry cheesecake will make them happy. It shows you thought about them.

8. Unable to make up your mind easily

No one likes to be in suspended animation. Whether it’s a weekend date night or a road trip to Kasol, make up your mind if you are on for it or not. Your partner’s enthusiasm may not survive your test in time. Your inability to answer may be interpreted as unwillingness or worse, reluctance. We all know in our heart of hearts that nobody is really busy; we just have our priorities. Don’t let your loved one feel neglected; that’s how you destroy any chance at romance.

I Ruined My Relationship How Do I Fix It?

If this is a question that is on your mind then you could start by avoiding these relationship mistakes. Ruined relationships can be fixed, even toxic relationships can be fixed. All you need to do is acknowledge you faults and pay attention to your partner.  There could be a certain way a woman might want to be treated or you can look up ways to make your husband happy.  It just needs a little bit of effort to fix your ruined relationship. Always remember unconditional love can go through ups and downs but it will never quit a relationship forever. To fix ruined relationships all you need to do is get that love back.

8 Things That Ruin Relationships And You Don t Even Realise it - 948 Things That Ruin Relationships And You Don t Even Realise it - 808 Things That Ruin Relationships And You Don t Even Realise it - 618 Things That Ruin Relationships And You Don t Even Realise it - 63