And in the event the planetary combinations make way for an extramarital affair, the marriage should not take place. As is believed, some doshas can be balanced by performing certain poojas and rituals, but for the ones that cannot be balanced, the match should be rejected. Extramarital affairs are common nowadays but it is possible to save a marriage from troubled waters through astrology.

Planetary Positions That Indicate Extramarital Affairs In Astrology

Extramarital relationships can be indicated in a person’s horoscope using marital astrology. The planetary positions in their respective houses get affected by the presence of other planets and make the way for having extramarital affairs. Certain zodiac signs are more likely to break your heart and have an affair outside the marriage as well. Marital astrology dictates that the 11th house is the house for extramarital affairs. Four factors play a major role in getting involved with anyone. They are the mind, love or romance, the strength to break social norms, and passion. The planets governing these emotions are the Moon, Venus, North Node or Rahu and Mars. The ancient Vedic astrology believes that if the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12 houses and their Lords connect with any of these four planets, there is a possibility that a partner will cheat and you will have a troubled marriage.

Can Marital Astrology Predict Cheating In Marriage?

A lot of men and women ask astrologists whether there is an indication of them having extramarital affairs. ‘What are the remedies to solve my husband’s extramarital affair?’ or ‘What should I do about my cheating wife?’ are among the questions most commonly put to astrologers.
While the reasons for extramarital affairs can be different for different people, planets that control the sexual urge of people play an important role. Some zodiac signs have more sexual urges and they tend to crave satisfaction outside marriage. Let’s have a look at the planets and houses that are said to play an important role in predicting extramarital affairs. Certain planetary combinations indicate the possibility of extramarital affairs in astrology.

Mercury or Venus: If your prospective groom or bride’s Moon is in trine to Mercury, it could indicate chances of infidelity. Another planet to look for is Venus. It also has a significant role to play in extramarital affairs and astrologyMars and Venus in conjunction with Scorpio sun sign in the 9th house: This is a potent indication of extramarital affairs. Mercury and Moon conjunction in Gemini is also an astrological indicator of infidelity in both men and womenMoon in conjunction with Mars: This situation can lead to clouding of the mind, and a person can become inclined toward illicit relationships. They are more prone to cheating on their partners with extramarital relationshipsA badly afflicted Moon and Sun in the fourth house: This can also indicate the person’s tendency toward having secrets. They can also have illicit relationships with older or aged women.Moon conjunct with Venus: A scenario like this gives rise to extreme and sensuous thoughts in the mind of the native, which can hint at tendencies towards extramarital relationshipsMoon conjuct with Rahu: A person may be inclined to have an extramarital relationship if the Moon in his or her kundali is conjunct with Rahu. This combination makes one’s mind clouded and prevents rational decisions

Venus conjunct with Rahu or Mars: Venus is the planet of love and romance. Venus, when conjunct with Rahu or Mars, boosts passion and lust in one’s life. And this conjunction in signs like Scorpio, Aries, Libra and Gemini can increase the chances of an extramarital affairMoon and Mercury conjunct with Gemini: Moon and Mercury, in conjunction with the sun sign Gemini (the sign of love and romance) also indicate a strong possibility of adultery. The person may also get exposed for his extramarital affair if the combination is aspected by the planet SaturnCheck for Punarbhu Dosha: Vedic astrology also believes that before marriage the horoscopes should be checked for Punarbhu Dosha – which is basically the conjunction of Moon and Saturn. This combination is believed to make a partner cheat and create a lot of havoc in unrest in a marriageThe nature of specific horoscopes: Certain horoscopes also have some effect on inclination for extramarital relationships. Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs book claims that Capricorn men are prone to straying later on in their lives. Scorpio men and women are also prone to being lusty and getting into extramarital affairs

11th House: The house of desires and extramarital affairs

11th house is also known as the house of profit and desires. It is called the house of excess. It means that it will multiply traits of plates placed in this house. If there is Jupiter in this house, it will bring an abundance of wealth, sometimes more than one can digest. Venus in the 11th house indicates extramarital affairs. It shows an abundance of wives (one at a time) or affairs. This house is one of the carnal desire trine (kama trikona).

Astrological remedies for extramarital problems

Secret love affairs in a marriage can weaken the very bond and cause a lot of unrest in the couple’s life. Infidelity can also lead to divorce and other complications. Astrological science believes that certain remedies can help one get rid of a partner’s extramarital love affairs. So these are basically astrological remedies for extramarital problems based on zodiac signs. The ancient Vedic astrology believes that if the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12 houses and their Lords connect with any of these four planets, there is a possibility that a partner will cheat and you will have a troubled marriage. You can use an online birth chart generator to see which signs and planets are in each of your houses

Using kumkum: To strengthen a marriage, spread some kumkum where your husband sleeps, and in the morning apply the same in the partition of your hair chanting the name of Maa ParvatiLighting a tablet of camphor: Doing this in the bedroom every night may also rid you of your partner’s secret love affairWriting the name on lotus seeds or makhana: If you know the name of the person your partner is having an affair with, writing it on lotus seeds or makhana and burning them till ashes are formed may also work as a remedy for extramarital affairs

Marital astrology: A warning sign but not a rulebook

Vedic astrological science believes that our lives are governed by planetary influences. But astrology and especially marital astrology should not be treated as a rulebook. On the contrary, it should be treated as a book of warnings from which you learn about general possibilities and guide your life and its decisions accordingly. Generalizing extramarital affairs based on astrology or blaming infidelity on the planetary combination is neither right nor justified. You can have a troubled marriage for various other reasons. There are many other reasons people have extramarital affairs, like lack of time, boredom, lack of emotional and physical support, intimacy and lust. Astrology can maybe give you warning signs based on planets, but if you experience that situation, rather than just blaming planets, you should patiently try to navigate through a crisis, to find solutions for it. Even if the solution may lead to separation.

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