Excuses We Make For A Night Out With Him

Does that mean you don’t go out at night at all? Of course, you do. You come up with the most creative excuses to go out at night. Rakhee stayed at the college hostel which was just a few miles away from home and she worked out an amazing plan to stay out at night. She would head for a farmhouse with her group of friends and her boyfriend, of course. They would have a great time together. This was indeed a risk she took every time she wanted to spend a night with him but the best part is she never got caught. Here are a few excuses you can give to sneak out for a night with him. These are good excuses for going out at night.

1. Studying at a friend’s place

This is something we all are guilty of but still use this excuse over and over again. Most of our parents are really happy that we finally started thinking about our career or future, lest they find out about all the devilish plans we have. This is an excuse generations have given. But it gets easier to give this excuse now thanks to our smartphones. Earlier you had to hand over the landline number of the friend in case you had to be contacted. That was pretty risky and needed further excuses but now with your own phone handy parents are happy they can be touch with you. So you can slip out of your friend’s place to spend the night with him. Folks at home aren’t finding out.

2. Late night work

For all those independent kids who live with their parents, this can be one excuse you can give. They mostly believe us, as they think we are independent and we know what we are doing. They would have totally lost it if they got to know what our responsibilities are actually. This is a great excuse to come up with and you can hardly land in a sticky situation with this excuse. Just be careful parents aren’t calling your office desk number. In that case make it a conference somewhere else.

3. Emergency call

Among the good excuses for going out at night this is one. We are the masters of sadism when it comes to creating false emergencies. We can create an imaginary friend who just met with an accident and who cannot survive without our selfless help. Most of the parents also tend to believe this shit – because humanity counts. And there you are sneaking out with your boyfriend. To make your excuse more believable don’t forget to make that call from the hosp and tell your parents your friend is out of danger. We are evil! Yes!!

4. Parties can work

You are going to a party. Just tell the truth, because it is the easiest way out. Say that you have a birthday/promotion/office party to attend. If you are a working individual, tell them that your promotion depends on how well you network in these parties. Your parents will open the gate themselves for you.

5. Fear of ghosts

We also create imaginary ghosts who are going to haunt our friends if we do not stay over with them. Tell your parents that your friend’s parents are out of station and she cannot sleep alone; therefore both of you together can fight the devil. This is a great excuse to give for a night out with your boyfriend. Just ensure your parents aren’t in touch with your friend’s parents. Ever used any of these excuses? Tell us in the comments section below.

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