Whatever be your reasons, the make-a-man-fall-deeply-in-love playbook remains more or less the same. When you want to make a man fall in love with you psychology plays a crucial role. You have to play to the gallery of his innermost emotions and desires to tug at his heartstrings. How exactly? Family therapist and relationship counselor, Manjari Saboo, has the answer.

10 Expert Tips On How To Make A Man Fall Deeply In Love With You

To love and be loved – preferably by the same person – are the most primal of human needs. That’s why if you’re deeply besotted by a man, you’d want to make him fall in love with you forever. If you want it to last, you’d have to remember that falling in love with someone doesn’t guarantee staying in love forever. You have to work to make him fall in love with you again – over and over again, in fact – to build your happily ever after. While the same holds for your partner as well, let’s, for now, focus on how to make a man fall deeply in love with you and make sure it stays that way:

1. Spend time with each other

Take a 15-20 mins walk after dinner or in the evening to be able to connect with the man you’re in love with and give him a chance to connect with you. For doing so, walks are always more effective than long drives (even though these have long been romanticized in romantic fiction) because there are fewer distractions and you have an earnest opportunity to be invested in each other. During these long walks, talk to him about your day or share your innermost thoughts with him, and create space for him to do the same. Please make sure this time is not utilized in complaints. If you’re trying to make him fall in love with you again, this can truly work wonders. Selina swears by this simple trick. When she and her partner Joseph were drifting apart, spending a few minutes of quality time with each other – consistently, day after day – helped them reconnect and fall in love all over again.

2. Engage in some mindless banter

There is a man in every woman and a woman in every man. Everyone likes to have some time wherein they do not think about their life problems but just have fun. If you want to make a man fall in love with you, making him associate these carefree moments with your company is a crucial step in the right direction. Take some time each day to just engage in some mindless banter. You could gossip about coworkers, colleagues, friends, your respective families, to blow off some steam. This approach can work equally well even in the case of millennials and Gen Z, for whom texting has practically become the primary mode of communication. To make him fall in love with you over text, engage in some light-hearted exchange where you both don’t discuss anything particularly meaningful or deep. This casual exchange can prove oddly refreshing, and the man you’re smitten with will start looking forward to these conversations before you even know it. Just like that, something so seemingly inconsequential can become the foundation of his becoming emotionally invested in you.

3. Go out once a week

If you want to make him fall in love with you forever, you have to invest in creating a spark and keeping it alive. That’s why, irrespective of whether you’re dating, in a committed relationship, married or your relationship is still undefined, prioritize weekly dates with your man. Decide on a particular day where just the two of you go out and do something that you both enjoy. It could be a meal at your favorite restaurant, going to the movies, or catching an exhibition somewhere. The only prerequisite is that it has to be just the two of you – no friends, coworkers, family or children in tow. This will bring you closer and keep the freshness alive in the relationship. Over time, these weekly outings will become an event that both of you will look forward to.

4. Ask for his opinion and value it

Wondering how to make a man fall in love with you sexually? Well, breaking news: you don’t always need sexy lingerie, scented candles, satin sheets or slow dance moves to create and sustain the sexual spark. Something as simple as asking his opinion on what to wear on a special day or occasion can do the trick. This is especially true if you’ve been together a long time and are wondering how to make him fall in love with you again and revive the magic in the bedroom. Asking your partner for their opinion on what looks good on you and valuing it is key to keeping the attraction alive. When they tell you something looks good on you or suggest that you wear that special dress because it makes you look sexy, believe him, as his choice is beautiful. You are his choice.

5. Take interest in his likes and hobbies

Everyone has certain hobbies and passions that they like to indulge in and derive joy from. For the man you have your eyes and heart set on, these could be things that you have no inclination toward – stock market, games, outdoor activities, adventure sports and so on. Even so, try taking out time to enjoy those activities with him. It is among the romantic gestures for him that you just can’t go wrong with. If it’s just not your cup of tea, at least take interest in it and ask him questions about his hobbies and passions. When he talks with animated excitement, don’t zone out or look bored. Your interest – genuine interest – will make the other person feel important. That’s a key part of the make a man fall in love with you psychology puzzle.

6. Make his favorite meal

The adage ‘a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ may seem archaic and done to death, but there is some truth to it. No, I’m not propagating sexist, patriarchal notions when I tell you that the answer to how to make a man fall deeply in love with you is cooking him his favorite meal every now and again. If the equation were reversed, my advice would still be the same. That’s because preparing something for someone from scratch, with patience, care and effort, is an expression of love in itself. It’s a way of showing that you care. But what if you can’t cook or are in a long-distance setting, trying to figure out how to make a man fall in love with you through chatting? Well, thanks to technology, food can come to your rescue here too. Say you’re chatting with the one you want to fall in love with you and he says that he is not well or has had a bad day at work. Just open your go-to food ordering app, and get his comfort food delivered to his doorstep. It will warm up his heart to you in ways you cannot begin to imagine.

7. Praise and appreciate him

How to make a man fall deeply in love with you? Here is a practice that will stand you in good stead: praise him in front of others, especially to people who matter to him – his friends, family and coworkers or yours, and do it when he is around. This will make him feel special and let him know how proud you are of him. Use your words and gestures to drive home the point that you are truly proud of the man he is. And you will have cracked the secret to how to make a man fall in love with you psychology.

8. Involve him in important decisions

Factoring in his opinion is a great way of making your man see that you value, respect and cherish him. Besides, it’s always better to bounce off different ideas when deciding on important life matters, as it gives you a fresh perspective on situations. Whether you’re in a relationship or stuck in the friends-to-lovers transition phase, seeking his opinion will drive home the point that he is important to you. Claire remembers being stuck in the talking-to-each-other-a-lot-but-not-confessing-your-feelings stage with her present partner for a long time. Then, she got offered a new job. The role and the salary were both way better but she loved her current job and workplace. To help work through her dilemma, she asked Jackson to weigh in. While he didn’t offer any direct advice saying it wasn’t his place, the two talked about it late into the night. He asked the right questions, which gave Claire clarity about what she wanted. She took the new job. “Surprisingly, I felt a lot closer to Jackson after that long text exchange. I guess he felt the same way too. We’ve been going steady for over a year now,” she says. So, you can make him fall in love with you over text, and that too in the most unexpected ways.

9. Don’t dismiss his opinions at the outset

While, on the one hand, it is healthy to seek the opinion of a person whom you value so much, on the other, dismissing any ideas, opinions or suggestions just because you didn’t ask for them can be detrimental. Even if you don’t agree with what he is saying or feel like he is overstepping his territory, give him a chance to put forth his opinion/point of view. This is especially crucial in long-term relationships, where partners unwittingly develop a tendency to dismiss each other’s opinions and ideas thinking that they already know what the other person would say. Let him speak his mind, and you may realize that’s not the case. The secret to make him fall in love with you forever and keep it that way is to not let communication barriers take hold in your relationship

10. Minimize involvements of third parties

Women tend to lean on their friends, family and siblings for support, advice and counsel whenever they hit a bump in the road. While it’s perfectly healthy to have a support system, you must remember that falling and staying in love is ultimately about the two people involved in the equation. After a certain point, keep the involvement of third parties minimal. Whatever you do, resist the urge to air your dirty laundry in public. The man you’re in love with and whose love you seek should be your go-to person for all things related to your relationship – whether ongoing or prospective. How to make a man fall deeply in love with you is not complicated or difficult. As long as there is an existing attraction between you two, showing him that he is loved, valued and prioritized will get you to the finish line and beyond.

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