As we all know, every man too likes to be touched and sees it as a next-level advancement to a romantic relationship. But there is more to this ‘skin-sense’ that you can imagine. Don’t believe this? Then you need to learn the science of secret touch dynamics and implement them to spice up your chemistry.

The science of touch

Touch is the first sense we develop as humans, much before any other senses. So, in a way, it is a pure and heartfelt way of bonding that helps us communicate our feelings precisely. This science of human touch is much more nuanced, advanced and elaborate than we can perceive. It has the roots to all the human goodness in life. As per studies, we can channelise this power to express our multiple positive emotions like joy, happiness, gratitude, triumph, and even love. When the one you love is in deep pain, you hold his hand and assure him of your support. That energy transmitted through touch is palpable. In such emotional situations, you are expressing your feelings accurately, that too without any use of words. That’s the power of touch. Not only that, we can decode the emotions of our fellow human beings via touch alone. So, it would be right to say ‘What we feel is how we touch’. But as we evolved, we became refined and articulate in our ways of expression and somehow lost touch with this super sense. But worry not! We all are naturally blessed with this secret superpower. All we need is to reconnect with it and enjoy its intuitive power, even in romantic relationships. So, here we are presenting how ‘touch’ can transform your equation with the man and make him yours forever. Believe it or not, the ‘Science of touch’ can make you happier and more positive as a couple. The foundation of human relationships, this tactile communication can deepen your connection with him. If you know the right ways of touching your man, all we can say is ‘he is all yours’. Now, when we talk about touch, there is physical touch, which is a non-verbal gesture, and a heartfelt touch, which is intangible. In couple relationships, we explore the sense of touch through non-verbal cues and deepen the soulful connections. With the genuine physical connection, you can express your affection, flirt with him and express your intimacy. For your guidance, let us give you the right ‘touch’ ways with which you can woo your man and build chemistry with him at different stages of your relationship.

Touch a man to flirt

You enjoy his company and see it as a great sign to start flirting with him. At that point, you can easily use the sense of touch in the initial levels of flirting. Tap his shoulder in a friendly manner as you encourage his participation in a leisure activity like dancing or a live performance. Notice his way of dressing and compliment him. Guys also love compliments but are reticent in accepting them. Comment if he is wearing a new jacket; tell him the colour suits him a lot while feeling the material. If he is taking some time to respond and smiles at it, chances are he is enjoying your excuses for touching him. Hang around casually like buddies by putting your hand gently on his shoulder while telling a joke or laughing. Don’t go intense at the initial levels of flirting. Use it as a way to gauge his interest in you and avoid the advances if you feel a cold response from his end. As you walk next to him, touch him subtly using your hands. Don’t make it look quite obvious. Do it casually like a slight brush of fingers with his hands. If he notices and smiles at you, take it as a go-ahead signal and hold his hand. While on a dinner date, remove your shoe and tease him with your foot. Make it look like you are stretching and notice his reaction. If he smiles back, then he is definitely into you. Or you may start playing footsie with him for a fun, teasing time. These initial ways of subtle flirting can fire up an intense and passionate romance between you both.

How to arouse a man with touch?

After wooing him through subtle flirting, it’s time to charge up your relationship physically. Yes, we are talking about intimacy and how the power of touch can help you plan your moves further and indulge deeper in this relationship. Ladies, here you have this superpower that can guarantee you great intimacy and empower you with the love. You can easily make a man yours with this love-language. Let us explore it precisely in this section. Now you’ve got a clue on how to arouse a man and make him feel wanted just by using your hands. So ladies, use that ‘touchy-superpower’ to your advantage and spice up your chemistry with him.

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