But before that, what is cheating? It’s when one person in a relationship violates the other person’s trust by indulging in deceitful actions. If you are feeling suspicious of your partner’s behavior, now is the right time to find out if they’re having a discreet affair.  To know more about how cheaters hide their tracks and the things cheaters say to hide affairs, we reached out to psychologist Jayant Sundaresan. He says, “You know, the thing about cheating is that everybody is tempted to cheat at least once in their lives. However, most people don’t give in to their temptations and hold their morals as shields against such temptations. Those who cheat will do it for the adrenaline rush and for the thrill they get from it. Once they indulge in such crooked ways, they will forever live in the fear of getting caught.”

How Cheaters Hide Their Tracks — The 6 Point List Of 2022

Can cheaters hide cheating forever? Jayant answers, “No. Definitely not. However, cheating is a complex topic because we first need to navigate if the cheater has indulged in it only once or is it a repeated behavior. If it’s the latter, then the cheater by now must have mastered the art of pulling the wool over your eyes. What goes in the mind of a cheating man or woman is not ordinary. A cheater’s mind is quite erratic. They do many things in order to avoid getting caught. Furthermore, a frequent cheater has successfully found a way to lead a second life without the knowledge of their spouse.” Technology plays a very important role in everyone’s lives. It plays a crucial part in a cheater’s life as well. It’s not just about how uber-protective they are about their phone and how they wouldn’t let anyone sneak a peek at their screen. It’s about how they hide their perfidies and lie to you with a straight face. Moreover, they create fake accounts and hide behind them to hunt more affairs. Let’s talk about how cheaters hide their tracks in nine different ways.

1. They control information

Jayant says, “The first answer to your question of how cheaters hide their tracks is by withholding the information. Cheaters do quite a few things to hide their two-timing. They carefully and cleverly control the information they share with their significant other. There are many warning traits of a serial cheater. The first information they control is how their time was spent – an experienced cheater can always account for their missing minutes in front of their partner. The second information they always control is the explanation of money expenditure. “The reason that these two pieces of information are always controlled by the cheater is because you need time and money for another relationship. You need to meet them and you can’t meet them at home. You have to spend money to go somewhere else. How many cheaters do you know who want to have an emotional connection with the person they are cheating with? Not too many, I am sure. They need time and money to spend on a hotel room because the primary reason for cheating is attraction and lust.”

2. On the flip side, they overshare 

Jayant adds, “Contrary to the previous point, one of the answers to how cheaters hide their tracks is by oversharing. This is a psychological tactic used by the cheater where they don’t hide (almost) anything. They will share everything that happened throughout the day but they will tweak a few facts here and there. They are very careful about letting you know the minute-by-minute detail of an office trip. “The reason that some cheaters resort to this method is because when you withhold all the information, the partner will definitely get suspicious. In order to prevent the feeling of insecurity in the relationship, they go on and on about the details and activities of the day very meticulously.”

3. A cheater creates new passwords 

Jayant says, “If you want to know what is the best way to catch a cheating spouse who is very clever, then pay attention to how they use their mobile phones. If all their devices are password-protected and you don’t know any of the passwords, then you have a lot to worry about. If you are wondering, “Where do cheaters hide things about their affair(s)?”, the answer is in their mobile phones. “When you ask them for the password to do something mundane like ordering food, they will create a scene by accusing you of invading their privacy. If they don’t have anything to hide, then what are they trying to protect? One of the other cell phone cheating signs is if they have another phone. They often use a separate device or SIM for discreet affairs.”

4. They use Second Space

Where do cheaters hide things inside their phones though? Jayant answers, “One of the most popular ways on how cheaters hide their tracks is by using the Second Space feature which is similar to having a folder entirely away from your main phone’s storage. It is a completely different space in the same phone where you can use a different email ID and keep your data protected. “This is one of the foolproof ways to not get caught as it’s the same handset but one password will open one space, and another password will open a completely different space of the phone. So, you have to create two different fingerprints and passcodes – for your two different lives. The advantage of this Second Space is that neither of the spaces overlaps the other. “Hence, the cheater’s secret remains a secret unless and until you find out about this Second Space. This feature is rapidly gaining a lot of recognition these days and it’s one of the cell phone cheating signs you must be aware of.” 

5. Cheaters use cheating codes 

If you suspect your partner of cheating and don’t want to confront them without solid proof, then it’s time to check their phone. Once you get a hold of your partner’s text messages, then look for codes you’ve never heard of before. There are chances that your partner is using cheating codes and text messages. There are many cheating codes like DTF which is an acronym for Down To F*ck. Doesn’t matter if he is the sender or receiver of this message. If he has interacted with this person, then he is definitely DTF. One of the cheating codes in text messages which you must know of is The First Coming. It means the first orgasm outside of a committed relationship. You can easily catch your partner if they have used such codes while chatting with another person. 

6. Cheaters erase their digital footprints

Jayant adds, “This is yet another common way of how cheaters hide their tracks. They tend to eliminate their digital footprints when they are having a discreet affair. They won’t delete their entire browsing history. That would look very shifty. The moment your browsing history is blank, you will be suspected of sanitizing it. Instead of deleting the entire history, they delete the items which can be held against them. They will make it appear normal by selectively deleting the tabs. “Another thing you need to know about cheating is that it’s a game of hide-and-seek. Your partner is trying to hide their sexual liaison while you run around here and there trying to unravel them. They will keep their notifications silent and they will never let you read their messages.”

7. Cheaters hide their tracks by manipulation 

One of the ways cheaters hide their tracks is by manipulating their partners. Jayant says, “Cheaters are master manipulators. There are many things cheaters say to hide affairs. It’s one of their manipulation antics. They will always accuse the other person of cheating when they know very well that they are loyal. They will distract the topic in hand by accusing the other person.  “They will twist the entire narrative. When they are confronted, they will resort to the usual things cheaters say to hide affairs. One of the main phrases is “It’s not what it looks like” or “That person is just a good friend” or “It won’t happen again”. And the most crushing one – “It was just sex.” Sex can never be just sex, and it’s a big deal for most of us.”

8. They create a pattern

Jayant says, “If you want to know how cheaters hide their tracks, then you need to find out the patterns they have created. Most of the cheaters live a double life. They create a schedule or a pattern which they religiously follow. This is one of the biggest warning signs of a toxic relationship. For example, let’s say the cheater’s work is till 5:30 pm. They will pretend like their work gets wrapped up by 7:30 pm. They do this so they can have the two hours all by themselves without their spouse questioning them and asking them to account for the missing hours. “No matter where they go, they will always pay cash. Restaurants, hotel bills, and gifts will always be paid in cash because cash can’t be traced. They will buy the same gifts for their partner and for the person they are cheating with, for the sake of convenience. In a scenario where the cheater has multiple affairs and wants to hide their sexual partners from each other, they will never call those people by their names. They will make use of darling, honey, baby, and all the other terms of endearment you can think of. They do this very carefully in order to avoid saying the wrong name.”

9. They won’t get naked in front of their SO 

Jayant says, “This one is pretty obvious, isn’t it? This is how cheaters hide their tracks because they will be afraid that the marks on their body will give the game away. They will never undress or get dressed in their partner’s presence. They will never shower together as well because the hickeys will get them caught. If you want to know how most affairs are discovered, then love bites is your answer. “If it isn’t the partner who gave them all the love bites, then they are definitely getting the bites from somewhere else. Cheaters even go to the extent of having a separate condom pack. They are so smart about it that they don’t want the missing condom packets to disclose the affair.” Jayant further adds, “To conclude your ‘can cheaters hide their cheating forever’ question, the answer is no. It doesn’t matter if it was a one-off thing or a regular affair. They will get caught and to your surprise, they do feel guilty about cheating. What’s more is that cheating as a repeated behavior is like an addiction. The excitement of meeting someone new. The thrill of hiding this information from your partner. The secret meetings. The passionate sex. It pumps their blood. Once the novelty fades, they will begin their hunting again. The repeated offenders will never settle. They will cheat again and again.” Now that you’ve found out how cheaters hide their tracks, the important question is, would you still be with them despite all the lies and betrayal? Because at the end of the day, you deserve a love that is all yours. If your partner’s disloyalty is affecting your mental health, Bonobology’s panel of experienced therapists can help you figure out how to manage better. 

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