A notorious myth surrounding arranged marriages is that ‘falling in love’ is very difficult and takes quite an amount of time. While the 21st century believes that a marriage should follow love, the reality is quite the opposite. Many people have been going the traditional way – getting married first and falling in love later. You may argue, two people who meet each other hardly a couple of times promise to stay together for seven life and death cycles. Now isn’t that a bit too intimidating? How can we be that brave or foolish to marry someone whom we barely even know? That’s the challenge of an arranged marriage. You first need to get over this myth associated with arranged marriages. Whether you know each other inside out or not, doesn’t matter. What matters is that if love is meant to happen it will. In case of love marriages, you simply fall in love first and then marry after. Reverse the same for arranged marriages. How does love develop in an arranged marriage? How to make your husband fall in love with you in an arranged marriage? These are questions that need to be answered.

5 factors that make you fall in love with your partner in an arranged marriage

Keeping all the marriage vows and platonic concepts of love apart, a marriage is very much a practical affair. Making your marriage last and keeping it strong and love-filled requires the conscious and sustained efforts of the two married partners. Together. How to develop love in an arranged marriage? We will tell you.

Here are 5 tips that would make you fall in love with your partner soon if you have had an arranged marriage

One week, one month, two years, who knows how long it will be in an arranged marriage until you fall in love, but never stop believing in love and working towards it. Keep in mind this mantra – love will always find a way to reach you if you are willing to seek it as well.

How Long Does it Take to Fall In Love in an Arranged Marriage  - 19How Long Does it Take to Fall In Love in an Arranged Marriage  - 30How Long Does it Take to Fall In Love in an Arranged Marriage  - 92How Long Does it Take to Fall In Love in an Arranged Marriage  - 91