Dear human beings! I hope you are doing fine, etc. This year on International Cat Day, we cats have decided to break our silence on centuries of bad press that we and our loved ones have been getting. We are generally not partial to display any kind of emotions (except contempt) but now we have reached the end of our tether. We’re always appalled by preposterous things you have been saying and writing about our kind and the ladies who love us. We made our final decision after seeing frequently this odd set of people, who you call celebrities, who are writing open letters about every tiny thing they supposedly suffer from. We’re more celebrated than all of these people put together, so we deserve to have our open letter. We have given our grievances as a listicle, again following your latest decadent fashion of writing, which apparently catches more “eye balls”. (Eye roll) Related reading: The cat that brought us closer Please convey this to people who have not read this letter. What might help is if you make this open letter, as you call it, “viral”, like Kim Kardashian’s open letter about motherhood. We are not spinsters’ pets, just like taking care of a child in high heels and full makeup is no mean feat.Yours ever non-obliging Mr Cat President of World Cat Association

Meri miaou suno  An open letter from Mr Cat to human beings - 22Meri miaou suno  An open letter from Mr Cat to human beings - 94