Have you ever been asked whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert and your response was it depends? Do you feel like your mood plays a huge role in your behavior? Do you often shift from extreme extroversion to extreme introversion? If you answered yes to these questions, you might be an omnivert. Now, the question is: what is an omnivert?

Ambivert vs. Omnivert: What Are the Differences?

The main difference between ambiverts and omniverts is this: Also, ambivert is a more widely recognized and accepted term in psychology. However, there’s more to it. What follows are the main points of difference between ambiverts and omniverts.

1. Balance vs Extremes

Ambiverts combine the best of both worlds. They possess both introverted and extroverted characteristics, hovering in the middle of the personality spectrum. Not to mention, they balance both traits at once, while omniverts are either extreme introverts or extroverts depending on the situation.

2. Personality Traits

One way to view ambiverts is that they’re like chameleons. As we mentioned before, they control how they behave depending on the circumstances. They are flexible and they can adapt to new environments easily. Depending on the situation, ambiverts can transition from teamwork to individual tasks and back again. Omniverts, instead, react according to how they feel in a given situation. They may do well in teamwork, even if introversion dominates their mood that day. However, they’ll prefer sitting at their desks and focusing on their work instead.

3. Workplace Success

Of course, it takes much more than your personality type to succeed in the workplace. Still, the way you interact with others can influence how successful you become. That’s especially true in a sales career, for example. In the sales world, ambiverts are likely to be more successful than extreme extroverts. It sounds surprising, doesn’t it? According to a study conducted by Adam Grant, ambiverts are more successful in sales compared to extroverts and introverts, but how? Their success has to do with the high flexibility they possess. On one hand, they can be enthusiastic and assertive, like extroverts. On the other hand, ambiverts are likely to listen to the consumer’s needs first and be more receptive, like introverts. As a result, they don’t appear overconfident or too pushy, which can be counterproductive in a sales negotiation. For this reason, ambiverts are more likely to persuade customers than other personality types. Now, what does this study has to do with omniverts? Well, Grant’s research showed that extreme extroverts generate the least revenue. That’s because a person with high extraversion can come off as arrogant or overwhelming, which is a put-off. Likewise, extreme introversion also tends to lead to less sales. As you might have guessed, omniverts combine both extreme traits, so a sales career might not be their best option. Recommended read: 25 Traits of a Sigma Female

4. Social Situations

Ambiverts are consistent in their behavior when it comes to social situations. For instance, in public speaking, ambiverts might always find it a bit nerve-wracking—just like 77% of the population. Still, those social chameleons can rely on their introverted traits to thoroughly plan their speech. Plus, they can handle unexpected situations thanks to their extroverted characteristics. So, ambiverts can be extroverts out of external necessity. That’s not the case with omniverts. Public speaking can be their strength if they’re feeling like a social butterfly on that day. However, if extreme introversion kicks in, speaking in front of hundreds of people may not be their cup of tea. In less stressful situations, like parties or group gatherings, ambiverts tend to do better. They may enjoy being in the spotlight, but not for long. However, you won’t notice any drastic change in an ambivert’s behavior, whether on a great night out or at a small gathering. Omniverts instead, can be the life of the party if they’re in an extroverted mood. However, you’ll notice them shrinking in the background, whenever they feel overwhelmed—like an introvert would do.

Ambivert vs. Omnivert: How Are They Similar

Now that we’ve explored the differences between ambiverts and omniverts, let’s discuss their similarities.

1. Needing Time Alone to Recharge

Both omniverts and ambiverts appreciate solitude. They both need “me time” to recharge at some point. And they both need to be alone if they’re tired or in a bad mood – unlike extroverts who recharge through social interaction. Recommended read: 23 Traits of a Sigma Male

2. Confusing People Around Them

Sure, ambiverts are generally more balanced than omniverts. However, like omniverts, they can confuse those around them. For instance, one day, you may see your ambivert coworker enjoying conversations with complete strangers. You might think they’re outgoing and confident. The following they, you may see them having lunch by themselves and avoiding interacting with others. As for omniverts, they can be even more perplexing because there’s no in-between. Either they enjoy crowds and loud noises, or they’d rather stay home without answering a simple phone call. Both personality types can make you wonder: are they super social or quiet?

3. They May Be Mistaken for Being Bipolar

People often confuse those who aren’t classic introverts and extroverts with being bipolar. That’s a big misconception. Ambivert and omnivert are personality types. People with the former personality are adaptable to the environment. They may not be exceptionally social and may have mood swings, but generally speaking, ambiverts are more balanced. Likewise, omniverts experience mood swings. And that affects whether they transition to extroversion or introversion. Still, in both cases, ambiverts and omniverts function normally. Instead, bipolar disorder is a mental health condition. People with bipolar disorder fluctuate drastically from happiness to sadness without an obvious trigger. They can have episodes of mania, hypomania, and depression—all of which impair their daily activities and health.

4 Signs You Might Be an Omnivert

Now for the big question: how do you know if you’re an omnivert? Here are four telltale signs that you’re probably an omnivert:

1. Your MBTI Score Changes by the Day

In case you’re not familiar with it, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a self-report test to determine someone’s personality type. The first letter of the test results indicates introversion (I) and extroversion (E). Followed by that are three letters to describe how people gather information, make decisions, and deal with the world. Additionally, the scale gives you a percentage score in each category. So, you might be an introvert, but identify with some extraversion characteristics. In the case of omniverts, the test results and percentage can significantly vary each day. That’s because some days you’re an extreme extrovert, while on others you shift to a classic introvert.

2. You’re an Emotional Rollercoaster

Again, one of the things that defines omniverts is that they often react to the outside world depending on their mood. Sometimes it’s their internal circumstances that influence whether they act as an introvert or an extrovert. Usually, if you feel ecstatic, you can strike up a conversation or party with people you don’t know. That’s because your lively mood matches well with extroversion. Conversely, you tend to curl up in your bed if you feel overwhelmed, anxious, or unhappy. Since your mood can change depending on your biology and environment, you feel like you’re flip-flopping back and forth in your social skills and even in your social circle. And that brings us to the following sign.

3. Your Choice of Company Varies

As an omnivert, you tend to hang out with different friend groups depending on your mood. You might lean toward your extroverted friends if your social battery level is high. That doesn’t mean you’re neglecting your introverted buddies. On the days when you need to chill or enjoy small talk, you might choose to hang around your quiet friends. So, if you notice you favor a particular group’s company over the others, according to your internal state, that can be a sign that you’re an omnivert.

4. You Often Regret Making Future Plans

At some point, it’s safe to say we’ve all made impulsive decisions, then regretted them afterward. However, that’s not the case with omniverts. You’re constantly shifting from an upbeat personality to a reserved one. Making plans when those moments of extroversion kick in is a part of your personality. Likewise, you’ll soon return to an introverted state. That means it’s inevitable that you often make plans but don’t feel like following through when the time comes. The dilemma of wanting to socialize but soon losing interest can be overwhelming. However, it’s just the life of an omnivert. Image: iStock