“Before marriage, a man declares that he would lay down his life to serving you; after marriage, he won’t even lay down his newspaper to talk to you.” When American journalist and humorist Helen Rowland said this, she did make a point. And yet, most of you, ladies, decide to take the plunge and more often than not, leave your families, jobs, cities (and sometimes countries) and even surnames, keeping your fingers crossed, hoping that you’ve found ‘the one’. The unfortunate souls who aren’t so lucky the first time, spend their whole lives moving from one relationship or one marriage to another in their quest for ‘the one’. However, whether your husband is ‘the one’, or just another person to claim tax benefits with, here are the ten types of husbands you might encounter.

The 10 Different Types Of Husbands

Husbands come in all shapes and sizes there is no denying that. But temperamentally they also come in different kinds. That’s what we endeavour to do in this article we divide them into ten types of husband according to the temperament, mood swings and habits they exhibit most of the time. Check out which type of husband you have.

1. The couch potato

This fella believes in lounging around all day in his boxers with his feet up on a La-Z-Boy. He doesn’t believe in making plans for the weekend (or in life) because choosing what shows to watch on Netflix has already given him anxiety. Netflix without chill is how he rolls, and he is the reason that food ordering apps thrive. On the weekend you could find him on the couch 24×7 while you d the chores, groceries and kids homework. While you are angry and drained be sure to find him on the couch in the exact same position he started off his weekend TV binging.

2. The hustler

When you are looking for husband material you often zero in on the guy who is successful, driven and is a stickler for time. But how does your choice pan out post marriage? Diametrically opposite to the couch potato, this gentleman wears busy as a badge of honour and has little to no time for himself and his spouse. Well dating a lawyer is a tough proposition because winning an argument with them is like impossible but imagine having one for a husband. He could run the home like a courtroom. God help you.

3. The problem solver

Life, for this genius, is one big Rubik’s cube. In essence, his approach to everything from fixing a bulb to finding that hidden gem of a restaurant is to do it himself without asking for help (Did you just doubt his capabilities (coughs manliness)?) And yet, his wife continues to baffle and frustrate him. But to tell you frankly he is one of the best types of husbands because you can really depend on him. There’s no question of nagging him for the chores because he has a To-do list already in place. What could get a wee bit irritating is when he could try to solve your workplace issues remotely while sitting on the living-room couch. Yes he could be a control freak too but he falls in the category of the type of husband who makes a great husband.

4. The entitled Prince

Among the types of husbands living with the entitled one could be a hard job. This brat has been typically conditioned since birth, to believe that he’s God’s gift to womankind because of an extra appendage. The apple of his mother’s eye, he’ll ‘allow’ his wife to work as long as she can serve him a hot meal at the end of the day. He believes the world revolves around him, is a charmer to outsiders and shirker at home. He could be annoyingly flirty as well. Most of his time is spent on his narcissistic fancies like clothes, perfumes and cars. You will always come second in his life.

5. The skirt-chaser

Mr Don Juan has entered the chat – this kind believes, monogamy is for hen-pecked losers, and will continually embarrass himself and his wife, by behaving inappropriately with her friends, cousins, his friends and co-workers – essentially, any woman who catches his fancy. When caught cheating, the only remorse he’ll feel is at getting caught. We are afraid to say that if there are 5 types of bad husbands he is definitely one. He wouldn’t ever think of your dignity, propriety, when it comes to his roving eye.

6. Types of husbands – The baby

This poor boy is probably as lost as you are at starting a new life with you – because it entailed leaving his mama. He’ll rely on you for his very sustenance (just as an infant would), and will look at you with large doleful eyes if you’ve even asked him to get his food or put his wet towel away. He is the nonchalant husband you don’t want to have.

7. The paranoid freak

Among the types of husbands we are talking about dealing with one like this could be really hard. This maniac is always insecure and is convinced that his wife is cheating on him. Always suspicious of what his wife is up to, he’ll keep tabs on her, track her phone, read her emails and messages looking for something – anything which shows him that she has a life of her own outside of their marriage, and will accuse her repeatedly to the point where she might feel tempted to do what she’s accused of. This control freak insecure husband is a type of husband who will keep you at tenterhooks and could become a bane for your mental health.

8. The nomad

Among the types of husband, we get to see all around us this one is easy to spot. This free spirit has probably gotten tied down at his family’s insistence because, in his head, he is (and will probably forever remain) a bachelor. He’ll plan solo and bachelor trips, often forgetting that he has a wife, and will insist on having mattresses on the floor instead of a bed, or even would want to sleep in separate bedrooms. Wearing dirty socks and underwear for days on an end will be his way of life and he will be ordering pizza instead of having a home-cooked meal because these remind him of the ‘good old days’.

9. The perfectionist

A polar opposite of the nomad, this obsessive-compulsive man will drive his wife nuts by micromanaging everything she does, never complimenting her ways or being satisfied with her cooking/ dressing/ mannerisms, and always comparing her with his mother, sister, ex-girlfriend or female co-workers. This kind often tends to remind his wife that she’s the one that got lucky with him although he is the ultimate control freak. This type of husband is quite common, and we wonder how women put up with them. But among the types of husbands this is the worst one to cope with.

10. The one with the grand gestures

This hopelessly romantic, with his poetry/ cooking/ lavish gifts/ meticulously planned surprises, will probably put Ted Mosby to shame. He truly adores you and will remind you of that every other day, sometimes, a little too much to make you feel sheepish and guilty at not doing enough. But he wouldn’t ever hold it against you and will keep doing his bit. Whatever your situation is, try and remember that marriage is mostly about turning a blind eye to your partner’s faults and loving the imperfect oddball that he is, perfectly. When we say, ‘mostly’ though, we mean, love him, forgive him, embrace his faults, and do whatever you have to, to make it work, but not at the cost of loving and respecting yourself.

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