I mean, you don’t have to be a poet to find the most spectacular words to impress him. Take a moment and dive deep into your heart – that’s the only way to get a grasp on your true feelings for him. Sometimes, it’s as simple as sending good morning texts to make him miss you.  If you live far away from your partner, then you know there are days when we feel overwhelmed with emotions. At times, to be away from your love for even a couple of hours is punishing. It’s even more heartbreaking when he lives oceans apart, on a whole different continent. Instead of feeling blue alone, you can make him want you more through text messages. This way, he might even plan to meet you sooner! Or are you here because he’s been taking you for granted for the last few months? How about some flirty texts to get him chasing you like a moth to a flame? It’s not unattainable, I tell you. Tickle his fancy a little, show him how exhilarating it is to spend time with you. You will catch him knocking at your door real soon. However, there is no need to be upset if you are running short of words to write the 10 second text that will make him smile for hours. In fact, it’s good that you are here because we are about to reveal some amazing tricks up our sleeve. Stay with us, and you will also get a sneak peek of some examples of text messages to make him obsess over you.

Top Tips When Sending Texts To Your Man

When it comes to choosing the right words to text a guy to make him want you, we are not expecting you to be super eloquent. What matters is the warmth, the passion, the affection. You can read tons of love message templates online but none of them can replicate your feelings for your man.  Those anecdotes, inside jokes, and sweet moments of love that you two share are solely a part of your story. Try to reflect on them while you are writing the 10 second text that will make him smile for hours. We are always here to give you a little boost to get started. Here go our top 7 tips to bring out the hidden writer in you. 

1. Read your own mind

We cannot stress this enough when you are trying to get a man to chase you through text. You are the only one who knows best what’s going on in that head. Are you awfully down today that he is not around and you cannot wait to see him after work? Did you wake up one fine morning and realized how grateful you are for the presence of such a fantastic man in your life? Portray this with the same intensity in the texts to make him miss you. Don’t hesitate to be brutally honest about how much he means to you. So, a penny for your thoughts? What do you say? 

2. Keep a balance between witty and lovey-dovey

Isn’t it just adorable how he gets you every time with his cute pranks and hilarious gestures while telling a joke? I bet you want to make him smile too if not crack up in the middle of a serious meeting.  Then send those flirty texts to get him chasing you with a dash of humor and friendly banter. Fall back on the endearing love puns if you wish. When you are in love with a foodie partner, messages like ‘Pie love you berry much’ will fill his heart. If you are both die-hard fans of American sitcoms, ask him, “Will you be the Marshmallow to my Lilypad?” Trust me, he will know that you’re a keeper. 

3. Shower him with compliments 

Compliments work like a charm on guys. So, tell me, what was the first thing that made you fall for him? His gorgeous smile, the amazing voice when he sings for you, or his kind, sensitive nature? Let it all out when you are trying to make him want you more through text.  If you tell him he was looking like Ian Somerhalder in that black shirt, it would make him smile all day long. These sweet words of admiration clearly show how you dote on him, appreciate him as a person, and his exceptional qualities. Even if you think you are only sending these texts to make him miss you more, in a way, you are strengthening the bond with your SO too. 

4. Don’t make it too exhaustive

Hey, do you remember that scene where Joey Tribbiani used the thesaurus to sound smart and he wrote ‘full-sized aortic pump’ instead of ‘heart’? I think you figured out where I am going with this. For the love of God, stay away from unnecessarily complicated words. He is reading a love note. He shouldn’t have to go back and forth between a dictionary and the inbox.  The same goes with the length of your text. There’s no point in writing a 500-word essay in the name of a romantic message because he will probably lose interest halfway through. You want to know what text will make him chase you, right? Keep your words flowing swiftly like a stream. Simple, short, and meaningful – that’s the 10 second text that will make him smile for hours. 

5. Take care of the timing for both of you

You may not always take this under consideration but the timing is an important factor. Say, last night, you googled how to get a man to chase you through text. Early in the morning, you sent him the most beautiful text message pouring your heart into it. But it slipped your mind that he had just gone to bed after a long night shift. Naturally, it will create a miscommunication as you don’t hear back from him.  In a different scenario, constant pings while he is driving can be distracting too. It will be helpful if you know a bit about his schedule so that he can cherish your efforts in this relationship with a peaceful state of mind. Also, don’t type this message when you are in a rush. Take your sweet time, reminisce about your beautiful moments together, and carefully translate your thoughts into words in order to text a guy to make him want you. 

6. Attach a cute selfie along with it

He loves you more than you think and he doesn’t want to skip a single chance to see you for a little while. I know you miss him like hell when you are eating his favorite blueberry cheesecake and can’t share it with him.  Besides thinking about the words to text a guy to make him want you, take an adorable picture of yourself and send it along with a short message. “I wish you were here to help me finish this jar. Come home soon. I miss you!” –  it’s that simple to create the 10 second text that will make him smile for hours.

7. Re-read before sending 

Once you are all set, just go through the text one last time before you hit ‘send’. A silly typo can spoil the captivating mood of a flirty text to get him chasing you. Give it a quick scan to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors and you are good to go. 

8 Examples Of 10 Second Texts That Will Make Him Smile For Hours

Now, you are well-versed in the technicalities of writing the 10 second text that will make him smile for hours. Still, if you don’t have your way with words, you might wonder how to get started. What text will make him chase you – make him stay madly in love with you?  As promised, we will give you some ideal examples of text messages to make him obsess over you. Although you are more than welcome to use our templates, we would really like to see you giving them a personal touch. Tweak these messages with stories and anecdotes from your relationship. Rest assured, it will melt his heart in a moment. 

1. Be the cute and funny soul that you are 

Hi sweetheart, we need to discuss a serious matter. I think it’s high time you start paying for living in my head rent-free. Your gorgeous smile kept flashing in front of my eyes and I missed a deadline today. It’s not fair for someone to look so handsome. And while we are at it, are you a secret magician too? I feel hypnotized ever since that mesmerizing kiss on the rooftop. Please meet me soon so that we can talk it out.

2. What text will make him chase you? Express your love 

Good morning, my sunshine! I woke up today with a wide smile on my face and birds chirping in my head. These days, every nook in this crowded city looks like a delight to my eyes. Do you know why? Because my heart is filled with love and joy. You walked into my life and made it so very colorful. There is no other place I would rather be than your warm embrace. You are my forever home.

3. Discuss your future in the 10 second text that will make him smile for hours

Baby, have you ever thought about what the future holds for us? As we are getting closer bit by bit, I just can’t picture a tomorrow without you in it. All my plans circle around you. I think about buying an idyllic house in the suburbs, getting a cat together, and how we will be settled down in our happy abode. I know we are in this for the long run. The future doesn’t scare me anymore. In fact, I cannot wait to hold your hands and spend the rest of my life with you.

4. Set your priorities straight 

All morning, I have been looking for the right words to put them together and express how precious you make me feel. Never in my life have I felt so important. I was always stuck at the second-best. With you, I can tell with my eyes closed that I top your list of relationship priorities. I go to sleep every night knowing there is someone who will choose me over anything at any given time. And there is nothing as soothing as this. I hope you realize that your efforts and feelings are one hundred percent reciprocated, my darling!

5. Stand by him through a difficult chapter 

Honey, I know this is a tough time. And, the thought of you hurting so badly is aching me even more. I wish I could do something, anything, to take all your pain away and relieve you from this torment. If only I were there to give you a tight hug and tell you, “This too shall pass.” Please know that you are never alone, not for a single moment. I am just a phone call away whenever you need me.

6. Show him your support to make him want you more through text

Sweetie, I just wanted to snatch a minute from your busy day and remind you how extremely proud you make me! There are very few people in this world who have the guts to follow their dreams. The fact that you have taken the first step toward materializing your lifelong passion shows immense courage and willpower. You are never afraid of hard work and that is the most admirable quality in you. I know things are a bit messy right now but trust me, with time, everything will fall into the right place. We are in this together.

7. Be the first one to say sorry when you are wrong  

My love, I am terribly sorry for the way I behaved yesterday. I understand it’s a sensitive issue for you and it was not my place to criticize. I feel awful for letting you down. It was not my intention to hurt you. Hopefully, you can find a place in your heart to forgive me and forget this episode. Waiting for your sweet kisses!

8. Master the art of seduction to get a man to chase you through text

Hi sexy, here’s a little something I bought (attach a picture of the new piece of lingerie). But I think the closure is a bit crooked and I cannot take it off myself. Do you mind coming over and helping me with it? I will be back home early tonight. You can bring dinner. Dessert’s on me! (Wink!) There you go, dear reader. I hope we made it abundantly clear how to beautifully compose the 10 second text that will make him smile for hours. Now it’s your turn to put down your emotions and desires through words. Don’t you think you are definitely going to get some sugar tonight? We sure do!

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