While we can’t deem anyone a cheater just by looking at them, their zodiac signs may have the information we need before we can make a more informed decision. To make it easier for you, we made a list of the most unfaithful female zodiac signs you need to know about.

Which Is The Zodiac Sign Most Likely To Cheat?

It’s important to understand that just because that girl you’ve been talking to is a certain zodiac sign does not mean she will cheat on you. These things can never be predicted with 100% accuracy, but since our zodiac signs influence a lot of our personality traits and the way we are, they can help tell a lot about a person. Some zodiac signs are more likely to lie in a relationship than others, which makes knowing someone’s zodiac sign worthwhile. Knowing one’s zodiac sign might just help you make the relationship stronger as well. Since you’ll know them a little bit better, you might be able to make the relationship more fulfilling for the both of you. For example, Leos often require more attention to feel loved and Pisceans may need a bit of freedom to allow their artistic personalities to flow. That being said, there are certain traits you can look out for if you’re looking for the zodiac signs most likely to lie. We’d just like to casually put it out there that Donald Trump is a Gemini (sorry Gemini’s). To answer all your questions, let’s dive right into the 8 most unfaithful female zodiac signs: 

8. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): The “harmless” flirts

Headstrong, rebellious and exuberant, the Aquarius personality may be difficult to understand for most people but are still one of the most unfaithful signs Aquarius females generally dislike authoritative figures and strive to attain their own freedom. She cares deeply about the ideas she believes in and will often make sure her voice is heard because she is an independent woman. However, with all the determination and a progressive attitude, comes a tendency to run from boring or dull situations. Naturally flirtatious, they may indulge in the so-called “harmless flirting” even while they’re in relationships. It would go against their very personality to say no to a new experience. While they don’t set out on their flirtatious journeys with the intent of cheating, things may get out of hand very easily.

7. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): When curiosity killed the…relationship

Sagittarians are known to be funny, naturally friendly, great at conversations and massive extroverts. All of that sounds lovely, but all that charisma and likability attracts a lot of attention. And sometimes, that attention might cause a downfall. Due to the spontaneous nature of Sagittarians, they’re always chasing the next adrenaline rush. If you’re the kind who likes to kick back and chill out with a nice inviting cup of coffee in your hand, then you might want to reconsider falling for that Sagittarian girl you like. While no one sets out with their mind made up to go and cheat, it’s no surprise that the graciously inviting nature of Sagittarians might make temptations come by their way too. How they deal with the curious cat dwelling inside of them might just end up deciding the fate of your relationship.

6. Gemini (May 21- June 20): Jack of all ‘flings’

Geminis are extremely versatile, seemingly intelligent and gossip-lovers. Gemini women can be increasingly unpredictable with different personas emerging based on who they’re going to be meeting. They love an entertaining piece of gossip and will make impulsive decisions to get rid of the boredom they so fear. Due to their indecisiveness, they tend to not commit to one person and rather seek new experiences from all possible angles, mostly preferring casual relationships over the long run. Even though we may not call them the most unfaithful zodiac sign, they have their tendencies. An explosive personality mixed in with traits like impulsiveness, indecisiveness and unreliability sounds like one that might, without intending to, break your trust.

5. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): The vengeful ones

If you meet a Scorpio you probably wouldn’t characterize them as sensitive, caring and empathetic. Most of us think that at first instance. However, underneath that exterior shell lay a lot of the traits we just mentioned. Scorpios have a strong sense of responsibility and justice embedded in them. Due to this, you may want to think twice before you wrong a Scorpio female, as her rage will be something you’ll have a hard time dealing with. That’s because Scorpios have a hard time controlling anger in a relationship. The revengeful, jealous and controlling sides will end up getting the better of them if they feel they’ve faced any sort of injustice. They can resort to unfaithful ways to deal with emotions they are unable to face. This can make them the most unfaithful zodiac sign woman so watch out. Don’t do anything that might make her too cross with you! She could react in a very unfavorable way.

4. Libra (September 23 – October 22): The indecisive lover

Midway in our list of the most unfaithful female zodiac signs are the Librans. To Librans, all that glitters truly is gold. If something looks good, they must have it. These charming perfectionists look to surround themselves with all things fancy, including the people around them. Libran females love being in love and are the kind of bunch who can’t stay single for too long but at the same time, they have a hard time committing a 100% to anything. As a result of their aesthetic personality, they attract a lot of potential lovers and may jump ship prematurely in search of greener pastures. Remember that guy she told you not to worry about? You might just want to give that a second thought. Since this is one of the most unfaithful signs, we advise you to proceed with caution.

3. Leo (July 23 – August 22): The center of attention

This list that gives us a glimpse into zodiac signs and cheating is still not over. Next, we have the Leos. Leos have a clear understanding of what they want and can generally be described as energetic go-getters who stop at nothing to seek what they’re after. She loves being the center of attention and constantly expects grand romantic gestures to feel loved as she’d do the same and sometimes even a bit more for her partner. The techniques frustrated Leos may resort to getting back the attention of their partners can sometimes be…drastic. It’s in their nature to be passionate and when they feel they’re not getting what they deserve in a relationship they will not take it well. This is why a Leo woman cheating is not breaking news. Leos require just a little bit more special attention to make them feel loved and when they might feel under-appreciated they might find other ways to be appreciated, even if it requires a change of company. This is what puts them high up on our list of the most unfaithful female zodiac signs.

2. Aries (March 21- April 19): The attractive leaders

It’s no surprise that a zodiac sign which represents the singular spirit has a bad rep when it comes to relationships. Due to their impulsive nature, an Aries woman cheating is commonly observed in romantic relationships. Aries can find themselves diving headfirst into different situations without having even thought about what they’re getting themselves into. Women born under the Aries zodiac are likely to cheat since they are short-tempered and impatient. They may overreact to certain things and let their feelings get the better of them. We all know how that’s going to turn out! One of the most unfaithful signs, watch out for an Aries woman cheating on you.

1. Pisces (February 19- March 20): The hopeless romantics

The most unfaithful female zodiac sign is Pisces. On paper, the Pisceans appear to have all the wonderful traits: compassionate, empathetic, creative, romantic, artistic – all of which are highly attractive. But with a list of unique lovable characteristics, comes a flawed sense of relationships and fear of commitment. Pisces are known to be escapists. Rather than facing the music, they tend to run away from their problems when things get too much to deal with. Without weighing the consequences of their actions, they may sometimes make hasty decisions, which could also be influenced by the fairy-tale idea of the world they have in their head and lead to a Pisces woman cheating. The Pisces can love their partners very intensely, in what may seem like a loving relationship built to last forever. But due to the ever-changing personalities of these zodiac signs and their lack of self-discipline, they can jeopardize a relationship just as quickly as they fall in love which indeed makes them the most unfaithful zodiac sign. However, with empathy and compassion among their eminent characteristics, they do not wish to cause anyone – let alone their significant other – any harm. They often go through a phase of cheaters’ guilt and may have a hard time accepting their mistakes. So that was our list of the most unfaithful zodiac signs in reverse order of their cheating tendencies. We don’t mean to pinpoint any zodiac signs and label them as bad and neither should you start snooping around her phone and check for your Leo woman cheating on you. This list only enumerates different aspects of their personality which might give them cheating tendencies if dissatisfied in the relationship.

The 8 Most Unfaithful Female Zodiac Signs You Need To Know About - 72The 8 Most Unfaithful Female Zodiac Signs You Need To Know About - 16The 8 Most Unfaithful Female Zodiac Signs You Need To Know About - 36The 8 Most Unfaithful Female Zodiac Signs You Need To Know About - 15