Are You Ready To Date Again?

The idea of dating someone after a breakup can seem crazy. Why would you want to put yourself through that pain again? Depending on the intensity of your relationship, it can also be hard to think about being romantic with another person. However, research has shown that dating someone after a break up can aid in getting over your ex. The companionship and friendship that you get from such relationships can also be helpful in making you feel less lonely, which tends to happen with people after a breakup. There are however things that you must consider before jumping on the dating train. How can you be sure that you are ready to date again after a breakup? Here are a few tough questions you could ask yourself and the answers will tell you if you are ready.

1. Am I over my ex?

You might not be, and that’s okay. But you do need to know the answer. You’re involving another person in your life. They have the right to know whether you still harbour feelings for a past lover or not. It is also unfair to expect someone to be okay with loving someone who doesn’t completely love you. You have to be honest about these things for a healthy relationship.

2. Do I have the space for another person in my life?

The grief and lamentation that comes after the end of a relationship is time-consuming. It takes up your emotional and intellectual space. Space which you will need if you were to start dating someone else. No matter how casual your dates might be it still requires time and space in your life. If all of your brain is going to be filled with sadness and thoughts about your ex and your relationship, you aren’t going to be a good partner to the new person. So figure out if you have space in your life for them. If you can give wholehearted attention to dating then only go for it otherwise wait for some more time.

3. Am I ready for physical intimacy?

Let’s get real here, sex happens in most romantic relationships. It’s a vital part of relationships in general. There are exceptions but they tend to prove the law. If you’re still sore from your break up, chances are you’re not going to be able to separate your physical experience with your ex to new ones. It can be done, but it takes a lot of conscious thought and time.

4. What exactly do I want out of the new romance?

This is a question that we need to ask ourselves whether we are getting out of a breakup or falling in love for the first time after a breakup. Romantic relationships are complicated. Sometimes you just want to be held, and want to make love. Sometimes you’re looking for a friend with benefits. Sometimes you’re looking for a committed, long-term relationship. The funny thing is, these things tend to have a life of their own and you may end up organically getting into something else than you wanted. But if you have clarity, at least you’d know it when the organic changes start to happen.

5.  When should I go on my first date after a breakup?

After a breakup there are some people who are raring to go on their first date simply because they want to prove to themselves they are alright. And if you have been dumped, this necessity to prove that you are as desirable as ever, is even more. That is fine. If you want to go on  a casual date it’s even better. You just chat with the person, have good food but if you want something more serious to shape up it’s better to take some more time.  In all probabilities you are not ready to date after a breakup but you are thinking that you are. In that case go on casual dates and avoid rebound relationships. When you are really mentally ready for your first date after a breakup then only go for it. Dating after a breakup is a big deal, whether we admit it or not. We have to be kind to ourselves and the person we’re going to date. Asking yourself difficult questions can help you have a clear idea of your emotional state and make the experience what it ought to be – a joyful one!

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