What are the few essentials that you consider when you start dating someone – Where are they from? Where do they live? What do they do for a living? But have you ever thought of considering ‘when is their birthday?’ before saying ‘yes’. This is an important consideration not just so you can plan a surprise party or arrange a gift but also because it allows you to consider the zodiac sign of the person you’re planning to date. You may ask why? Well, not all humans are alike yet there are certain traits common to people born under the same zodiac sign. Considering these when going ahead with a relationship can help you avoid the worst. We suggest you read this article if you are crushing, about to say yes, or already dating a Virgo man (born between August 23 to September 22).

What’s A Virgo Man In Love Like?

The symbol of Virgo is the Virgin and signifies spiritual purity and innocence. This does not mean that a Virgo man lacks masculine qualities or is any less of a man compared to other signs. In fact, according to astrologers, Virgo is the sign of the earth that is ruled by Mercury. Thus, people belonging to this zodiac sign are strong-headed perfectionists. Speaking of perfectionism, Virgos like to do everything on time. They are practical, observant, realistic yet usually logical, helpful, and down to earth. When a Virgo man loves you, he does it with all his heart. It could start with casual double texting and go all the way making life-altering decisions just for you. A Virgo man in love simply does not compromise on love. But hold your horses. Before you pick up your phone, open Tinder and start searching for some kind of Zodiac sign filter to increase your chances of meeting this stellar man, there are some other pros and cons you need to be mindful of. So, let us dig deep into more such Virgo male traits and see what it can be like to be the object of affection of a Virgo man in love. A Virgo man does not act in haste, he takes things slowly and steadily. But once he decides on the love of his life, it is indeed for a lifetime. He believes in all-or-nothing scenarios and would want to know you in and out. Not as possessive as scorpions, a rational one-woman man, the Virgo will expect the same from you and sometimes may take things ahead too soon. Have a Virgo in your life and scratching your head constantly while pondering the question, ‘Is my Virgo man in love with me?’ Well, you have come to the right place. To have a detailed blueprint, here are some extensive insights into how does a Virgo man act when he is in love.

1. Be ready to be noticed – inside out

Being a perfectionist by nature, when a Virgo man is in love, he would start noticing everything about you. The Virgo man is a stark contrast to all the men who say they don’t really care about the missed-out upper lip hair. Oh, he’s definitely going to notice it all. But don’t think this is coming from him having a judgmental nature or that he is preoccupied with a female’s physical features. These are just the minor tendencies of a Virgo man when he likes a woman. From the color of your lipstick to the hidden strip of your bra, Virgos have an eye on each and everything that you wear, do, or say once he is interested in you.The good part? He will always know there is something wrong with you, even before you say it. Yayyy!

2. Keep your phone’s battery charged for endless calls

So, have you had male friends and ex-boyfriends who would text you, like your photos on social media and maybe comment on them but the whole idea of calling you was alien to them. Good news! Virgo males are different when it comes to the calling game. A Virgo man loves to stay connected, and when you are away, the best way he can feel close to you is through calls. He is someone who would pick up the phone and call to know if you have eaten lunch, gone to the gym, got your nails done, met your friend and probably even peed! Feel it’s nosy? Hmmm, we would say what’s love without some meddling!

3. You get to hear his sassy secrets

Virgo men are known to be introverts and secret keepers. They don’t trust people easily and hence, would count their words when it comes to talking to people. ‘Cautious’ being one of their personality traits, they are less likely to open up to even their friends. Not to be considered as arrogant or self-centered, this is a zodiac sign that carefully chooses the people who they wish to spill the beans to. So ladies, when a man born under this sign tells you his dirty little secret, there is no doubt that this Virgo man really likes you!

4. Brain over beauty

Is my Virgo man in love with me? We know for sure he will be as soon as you bring out the inner nerd in yourself. No matter how clear your skin, bootylicious your butts or curved your waistline, everything apart, your intellect tops a Virgo man’s checklist of desirable traits. We are not saying that you need to be working at NASA to impress this man, but then again we do guarantee that is something you can expect Virgo males to be attracted to. Being the zodiac that is ruled by mercury, a Virgo man is stimulated by intelligence more than anything else.

5. He gets ROMANTIC!

Virgos by nature are not considered to be romantic but things turn upside down when they find the special one. These men, by instinct, start doing romantic stuff to please their partners or those they are romantically inclined toward. These romantic gestures include buying you your favorite flowers, wearing the color you like, gifting without any occasion or reason and so on. The best part about a Virgo man in love? You will never complain about him forgetting your birthday or anniversary (you can also have as many anniversaries with him as you like – the first date anniversary, first kiss anniversary, first make-out anniversary, and the like.)

6. No unpleasant physical contact

You heard us right, unlike many men (no offense please), Virgo men are a little conservative when it comes to physical contact. At the initial dating stage, this guy will never come too close or make advances that leave you feeling uncomfortable. This does mean you have to question whether a Virgo man really likes you. We can see how it might sometimes be misread as a lack of interest or attraction. But chill, he is just giving you your space to be comfortable with him, and in turn, taking his time to observe and cherish your inner self. Truth to be told, though romantic at heart when it comes to taking initiative on the intimacy front, things don’t change much even when the relationship progresses. These men like to keep it simple and are not too welcoming when it comes to trying different things. Not to disappoint you, they are deep lovers and tend to make simple things fun and fulfilling.

7. Perfect to a fault

Speaking of Virgos and perfectionism, this attribute has a flip side too. Not only do Virgos believe in being perfect themselves but also want everything and everyone around them to be perfect. Be it your relationship, your dating etiquette, demeanor at a restaurant, your dressing style, or your personality. Let’s assume that you guys are at a restaurant and the waiter forgot to get your freebie. Saying ‘please get my free coffee’ is a complete no-no when you are with a Virgo. For him, using the word ‘complimentary’ instead of free is IMPORTANT and makes all the difference. Though his perfectionism may be a positive trait at the beginning of the relationship, his intentions to mold you to meet his high standards can get exhausting eventually. The pressure can leave you feeling like he’s trying to turn you into someone you’re not. So even with a great trait, dating a Virgo man can sometimes get on your nerves.

8. Loyalty and commitment

Virgo men are not into casual flings, one-night stands or hookups. Instead, they want a serious heart-to-heart relationship. Instead, when he likes a woman, a Virgo man doesn’t plan on wasting his time or energy on something meaningless and without a future. He is not the one who would secretly stalk or text other potential interests. Instead, he is someone who would label your relationship and be proud to call you his in front of others. Believe us when we say, you won’t even find him staring at other women while he is with you.

9. Honesty and devotion

Virgos take a lot of time to get to know someone, work on them to make them perfect and turn out to be hopelessly romantic. That’s why a potential love interest must check all the boxes on their list of desired traits for them to become invested. The good news is, once they do, they will be completely honest and devoted to you. For them, it is one of the biggest priorities in a relationship and they don’t tread on it lightly. A Virgo man in love is not the type of man to play on-and-off games, create unnecessary drama, or make you jealous to testify your love.

10. He calls you for a family dinner

Not all men are comfortable with the idea of introducing a partner to their family. Well, at least, not until they’re sure of where the relationship is headed. But Virgos, here too, are exceptions and that makes you a lucky duck! Sincerely one of the Virgo male traits when in love, do not be shocked when he starts inviting you to his exclusive family events. Because when a Virgo is into you, he would not shy away to show you off. Instead, he would want you to be a part of the lives of his near and dear ones too.

11. A thorough gentleman

A Virgo is a thorough gentleman with old-fashioned values and will assume the traditional male roles. At the same time, he won’t stay with someone who can’t stand on their own two feet or have an opinion of their own. He’ll be a shoulder to lean on, but not a kerchief to a cry baby. He’s not a pushover and certainly won’t tolerate someone who sulks or gets moody when things don’t go their way. Virgo men are handsome athletic chaps who wake up at 5 every morning to go to the gym. They stand out in a room full of people for their style and perfect turnout. Hardworking without compromising on the outcome, these men love accepting and completing challenges. But what are Virgo males attracted to and what do they seek in love? When it comes to choosing a partner, they are noticeably clear – both in their heart and their head. Eternal love, that’s what Virgos ultimately long for. And uncomplicated relationships too. They won’t find you on Tinder only to have a one-night stand and then bid goodbye. They would prefer to spot you in the bright sunlight, get to know you inside out, and then, ask you out on a ‘magical first date’.

Virgo Man In Love  11 Signs To Tell He Is Into You - 75Virgo Man In Love  11 Signs To Tell He Is Into You - 4Virgo Man In Love  11 Signs To Tell He Is Into You - 82Virgo Man In Love  11 Signs To Tell He Is Into You - 94