Do cheaters get their karma for sure, though? To find out, we reached out to psychologist Pragati Sureka (MA in Clinical Psychology, professional credits from Harvard Medical School), who specializes in addressing issues like anger management, parenting issues, abusive and loveless marriage through emotional ability resources. She says, “If you do something bad to someone, you’ll get it back in one way or the other. It’s as simple as that.”

What Is Cheaters Karma?

Being cheated on in a relationship can be severely damaging to your mental health. Not only does it break the trust you placed in someone you love, but it also takes a toll on your confidence and self-esteem. The longevity of a relationship doesn’t matter in cheating. The emotional pain will be the same in one year of dating and 10 years of marriage.  According to research, infidelity can be detrimental to the mental health of the cheated partner. They experience emotional and psychological distress. They are also vulnerable to risky activities like eating less, using alcohol or other substances to numb their pain, having sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or over-exercise to try to cope with reality. People cheat because of various reasons:

Lust Low self-esteemLooking for a changeIssues with the partnerThey want to experience the honeymoon phase againThey have questionable morals

Pragati says, “When we talk of cheaters karma, we have to look at the process. What type of cheating has taken place? Was it a one-night stand? Or did it start emotionally which led to a sexual relationship? It’s not just a matter of “cheaters experience karma”. They have lied to you, tried to manipulate and gaslight you in order to keep their secret safe. The karma of hurting a good woman or man isn’t just cause and effect. It is based on everything and takes account of it all, starting from emotional infidelity to countless lies to physical infidelity.”

Does Karma Work On Cheaters?

When I was cheated on, I kept wondering, “Will he get his karma for cheating on me and do cheaters suffer?” The answer to both is yes. He realized his mistake and went through the same 5 stages of grief which I was going through. He was ashamed, guilt-ridden, and couldn’t bring himself to face me. He slid into depression and had a hard time accepting what he did.  Pragati shares, “Do cheaters get their karma? The short answer is yes. But you need to keep in mind that humans are inherently good. The two things stopping us from being good are our actions and choices. You chose to cheat on someone. You chose to hurt them. You might receive the same hurt and pain. Not necessarily the same way, but in one way or the other.” When asked on Reddit if karma works on cheaters or they skate through life in bliss, a user replied: If you believe in some higher power or an afterlife, they’ll definitely get theirs. But if not, I think there’s two things that can comfort you

Cheaters may not have the same ability to form long-lasting, trusting relationships like other people canYou can move on and have a better life than the cheater will ever be able to

Is Karma True In Relationships? 

Karma is true. Both in life and in relationships. Karma is a Hindu and Buddhist ideology. It’s not instant. It takes its time. If not in this world, then the wrongdoer will get what they deserve in another life or afterlife. A cheaters karma will get to them at some point. Being cheated on is a wake-up call that this person isn’t right for you. The karma of betrayal in a relationship is surely true but that doesn’t mean you go out of your way to punish them and plot vengeance against them. Cheaters get karma by drowning in self-hate which is a consequence of their own actions. Self-hatred is one of the feelings one goes through after being cheated on and after cheating on someone. It gives a mental shock to their system that they’ve caused immense hurt to the person they love and respect.  Pragati adds, “Always know that it’s not in your hands to punish someone who cheated on you. Instead, indulge in a little introspection. Don’t blame yourself for trusting that person. Tell yourself you are better than them. Cheaters karma will get to them sooner or later.”

How Do Cheaters Get Their Karma?

The karma of hurting a good woman or man will surely make the cheater regret their actions. Below are some of the ways cheaters experience karma:

1. It can affect their well-being

Pragati says, “When you cheat on someone, it has a negative impact on the cheater’s mental health as well. They become numb. They feel guilty because guilt is a very strong emotion. You feel guilty for stealing something as small as a pen. Imagine cheating on someone and not feeling reprehensible. “Even though you don’t know what to say to someone who betrayed you, their self-condemnation will transform their personality. You don’t have to do anything to cause them pain in return becausse they get so riddled with anxiety and have trouble dealing with their own actions. That’s how cheaters get karma.” You might think that the karma of betrayal in relationship is non-existent if the cheater seems fine. But deep down, they are facing an immense emotional turmoil. The stress will eventually take them down.

2. There are chances cheaters will get cheated on

Speaking from personal experience, if there’s one thing cheaters can’t handle – it is being cheated on. They hate tasting their own medicine. Be patient and wait for the rug to be pulled from under them and they’ll go spiraling. 

3. They will have a hard time falling in love again

Pragati says, “This is one of the major cheaters karma in the case of a serial cheater. They will never truly and fully love someone. They will always feel that something is missing in life. They are never satisfied with one person. They need more than one person to validate their feelings. This becomes a cycle and they have a hard time maintaining a real relationship. It’s one of the warning traits of a serial cheater.”  They will constantly feel an emptiness inside them. You don’t have to punish someone who cheated on you multiple times without remorse. They are selfish people who will never feel complete. They will always be restless and a feeling of emptiness will haunt them until their karma is paid off.

How To Heal From Being Cheated On

Pragati says, “Cheaters karma will take care of the person who hurt you. You need to focus on healing. You need to practice self-love. Talk to your friends and family. In time, you’ll emerge stronger.”  If you are not able to let go and you’re looking for professional help, Bonobology’s panel of experienced therapists are here to guide you through the process and paint a path for recovery. Below are some of the ways you can heal from being cheated on:

Focus on yourself: It’s fruitless to try and punish someone who cheated on you. All you can do is work on yourself and try to heal from it, you will find the light at the end of the tunnel Ask if they are worth it: They disrespected you and your love. Ask yourself if that person is worth thinking about. Are they worth wasting your time and energy by plotting a revenge move? Tell yourself they are not deserving of your love. It might be hard to forget them, but don’t wait for them to apologize or come to their sensesDon’t indulge in comparison: This is a grave mistake people end up making after being cheated on. They compare themselves to the people their partner cheated on them with. This is toxic and gives rise to self-doubts and self-hate. You need to find out how to get over insecurities after being cheated onDo what you love: Go back to your favorite hobbies. Divert your attention elsewhere. Do yoga, go for a walk, or read a book. Meet your friends and family Promise yourself to start over: One person cheating on you doesn’t mean there’s anything lacking in you. If you’re ready to date again, put yourself out there

It doesn’t matter what happens to a cheater once you throw them out of your life. Stop asking yourself “Will he get his karma for cheating on me?” Don’t let negativity consume you. It may feel like you will never come out of it. But give it time. You will shine through it at the end of the day. Live your best life and don’t wait for karma to get to your ex in order to move on.

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