Some people seem to be hardwired to wake up early or go to sleep late, and this was proved by a study done in 2020, which explains that our ‘internal clock’, known as the circadian rhythm, controls our body’s patterns and functions. This internal timekeeper most evidently controls our sleep patterns, as well as hunger and mood patterns.

When An Early Bird And Night Owl Sleep Together

I have taken to adding on to whatever wish I inscribe on my gifts when I go to weddings, the phrase, ‘and wishing you sleep patterns that actually align!’ But by the time people unwrap those gifts and receive my well-intentioned but rather useless wish, it is usually too late. What do you do if you are Ms Night Owl and you are dating Mr Morning Lark, or the other way round? Well, I guess you could try adjusting to the other’s routine and try living with a night owl or a super-enthusiastic morning person. The only trouble with this approach is that the owl is naturally predisposed to be nocturnal and isn’t half as much fun and twice as blind in the morning. The reverse probably goes for the lark. It is usually better to leave creatures as nature intended them to be. Not to mention those sharp claws when you mess with them. Neither a morning nor a night person will be willing to change their ways and will in fact get defensive. What, then, can you do?

Morning Person Vs Night Person: How To Cope With Sleep Differences

Does the early morning chit-chat and motivation get to your nerves when all you want is to hit snooze over and over again? Or is it the other way round and you get frustrated with your partner keeping the lights on till late in the night and making too much noise that disturbs your REM cycle? Whatever your problem may be, there are ways you can deal with the morning people vs night people fight. Just keep in mind that you aren’t rivals, rather partners, so be civil and try to maintain cordiality because it’s these differences that spice up a relationship.

Here’s how you can cope with your differences

A lot has been spoken about this debate, let’s get to the point. Well, here are a few tips for starters:

Here’s what you shouldn’t do

Now that we’ve been over all the things you can do that will ensure a long and happy relationship, there are some things you must keep in mind that you absolutely should not do: Relationships are all about adjusting, and honestly speaking, this is going to be the least of your problems as a couple in the long run. No doubt the morning person vs night owl debate is infuriating, but before getting into the argument one more time, ask yourself if it is even worth it.

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