“When was the last time you said you loved me?” “See! You didn’t even notice my new ear-rings!” Bloody familiar, isn’t it? Welcome to the “Men trying to decipher women forum”. Yours truly is proud to be associated with this elite group that is making conscious efforts to understand women’s psychology. Why are women so vocal with their emotions? What keeps the men from being the same? Is it the male ego versus the woman’s need for reassurance? Now, these are tough questions to answer and much like attempting to scale Mt Everest without an oxygen cylinder. Clearly, only the adventurous and exceedingly brave should attempt this. Having said this, I did speak to a few women to understand this phenomenon and the ‘WHY’ behind this outburst of emotion every now and then. What followed was a highly analytical explanation on how and why this unfolds, as often as several times in any given week.

You don t love me any more    - 42